On 01/05/2019 12:06, Myrle Krantz wrote:
> When talking about formalizing our D&I effort, there have been essentially
> three options under discussion:
> * Make it a sub-committee of ComDev.
> * Make it a president's committee.
> * Make it it's own PMC.
> The current proposal is to make it a president's committee.
> I'm not sure what the advantages and disadvantages of each approach is.
> I'd appreciate your thoughts.  What do the powers, freedoms, and
> responsibilities of a committee look in each of these alternatives?  What
> are the advantages and disadvantages with respect to our goals with D&I?

>From a "Demonstrating the ASF is taking D&I seriously" PoV I think D&I
needs to be on every board agenda. That means it needs to report the
board every month.

Of the options above, only a president's committee meets that criteria.

A board committee would also meet that criteria.

Broadly, responsibilities only vary by reporting process / frequency.

In terms of powers, I think any of the proposed structures above would
provide the necessary authority since part of forming the structure
would involve delegating powers.

A board committee has significantly more power. It can do *anything* the
board can do (it also requires that a board member is on the committee).
I don't think the additional authority is necessary but I do wonder if
reporting directly to the board (rather than through the president)
would enhance the "The ASF is taking D&I seriously" message.


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