I would like to partucipate.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019, 1:37 AM Swapnil M Mane <swapnilmm...@apache.org>

> Hello team,
> Recently, I got the opportunity to explore the possibility of having
> roadshow in India.
> During this process, I faced some challenges in contacting the local Apache
> people and committers,
> these challenges and my previous experiences (with other communities and
> student community)
> gives birth to the idea of forming the Apache Local Community (ALC).
> ALC will be similar to Google Developer Group [1], Facebook Developer
> Circles [2], Mozilla Reps [3],
> you can find the local GDG [4] and Developer Circles [5].
> *What is ALC*
> ALC is a local group of Apache (Open Source), enthusiast. Each local group
> will be called as ALC chapter.
> *Role of ALC*
> -- Spread the awareness on Apache in the local community.
> -- Host various events for local open source lovers (at least should have
> one monthly meetup).
> -- Share the details about ASF, The Apache Way, and various Apache's
> projects in local students, developers, and the business community.
> -- Bring together project users and developers
> *How ALC will be formed*
> Each town/city will strictly have single ALC chapter.
> If ALC chapter doesn't exist in the town, the interested volunteer can
> contact ALC committee via form or mail to form it.
> An ALC chapter will be led by a community manager.
> *Benefits of ALC*
> -- We have limited ApacheCon and Roadshow, the ALC will open the doors for
> having frequent and small events.
> -- It will be a platform for committers from different projects (living in
> the same town/city) to meet and exchange knowledge, thoughts, and ideas.
> Currently, it happens the committer of one apache project doesn't know much
> about the committer from another project (both belongs to the same town ;)
> -- Building community, as the Apache maxim "Community Over Code".
> These all are very initial ideas if we planned to proceed with this, as a
> community, we can work details of defining roles and responsibility of ALC,
> the process of forming ALC chapters, how the ALC chapters will function
> (community manager/lead of ALC chapters), etc.
> I am aware of Apache Mentoring Programme [6] and Local Mentors [7], but the
> ALC is different from this, it is about forming a designated local
> community.
> All the inputs and thoughts are highly appreciated.
> P.S. ALC is just first word came in my mind, if you think there can be a
> better name than ALC, please feel free to discuss.
> [1] https://developers.google.com/programs/community/gdg/
> [2] https://developers.facebook.com/developercircles/
> [3] https://reps.mozilla.org/about/
> [4] https://developers.google.com/programs/community/gdg/directory/
> [5] https://developers.facebook.com/developercircles/find
> [6] https://community.apache.org/mentoringprogramme.html
> [7] https://community.apache.org/localmentors.html
> Best Regards,
> Swapnil M Mane

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