Sensible thought, Steve,

I was imagining the sort of things that get setup and contributed to (by me
and others I collaborated with) for Vegas to be setup in such a way to
easily replicated in Berlin.

On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 8:35 AM Steve Blackmon <> wrote:

> Hi Myrle,
> I expect the process and mechanics of hackathon planning and execution of
> the ACNA and ACEU hackathons will be more similar than different, cultural
> differences between a Las Vegas casino and Kulterbrauerei aside.
> It makes sense to set up a different accountable event leadership group,
> but we should try to coordinate our efforts closely.  To that end I invite
> everyone on this thread to dial into any ACNA hackathon weekly planning
> meeting (Sundays at 11AM CST) and contribute, and I will be happy to
> participate in the planning effort for Berlin as well.
> Event details, notes, and links regarding ACNA hackathon here:
> On Jun 26, 2019, 9:38 AM -0500, Myrle Krantz <>, wrote:
> > Hey everyone,
> >
> > Much like for Las Vegas, I'm hoping we can find a volunteer or two who is
> > interested in helping to make the hackathon in Berlin awesome.
> >
> > Is anyone interested in assisting here?
> >
> > To quote Rich:
> >
> > "I need 1 to 3 volunteers to own the Hackathon for ACNA.
> >
> > The Hackathon has long been a central part of ApacheCon. However, the
> > success of the hackathon waxes and wanes over the years, due largely to
> > whether someone steps up to drive it.
> >
> > The hackathon has multiple intertwined purposes:
> >
> > * Attract and mentor new committers
> > * Strengthen personal bonds within project community
> > * Foster cross-project cooperation
> > * Knock out difficult bugs/features/documentation projects
> >
> > For this to be successful, the following things need to happen
> >
> > * Projects need to know about it
> > * They need to prepare ahead of time. In particular, they need to think
> > about what they will be working on
> > * The plan (ie, what we'll be working on) must be promoted both within
> > the project (so that core project members show up prepared) and outside
> > (so that curious people show up and play along)
> > * There needs to be great signage on-site, and we need to mention it at
> > every plenary
> >
> > To this end, I need someone(s) to step up to own this. I do not have
> > time to be the point person on this.
> >
> > I need someone who cares about building project communities, is
> > enthusiastic about working directly with projects to build their
> > hackathon plans, and who plans to attend ACNA to do the on-site stuff
> > necessary to support the above. I need someone who is willing to take
> > the reins on this and drive it without much direction from me or anyone
> > else, and just report back periodically on progress.
> >
> > Please let me know if you are willing to lead this effort. Thank you."
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Myrle Krantz
> > Conference Chair, ApacheCon Berlin 2019
> > The Apache Software Foundation

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