Awesome, thank you Daniel for sharing the exciting insights and updates.

All the outreach ideas are great.
Just sharing for information purposes, ALC Indore organized an event
for students (like as you mentioned extra credit labs where students
understand and contribute to a project) in September 2019.
More details can be found at

The response from the student community surprised us.
By surpassing our expectations, 6 students made their first
contribution to Apache projects (OFBiz and Roller).

All the ideas you mentioned like lunch-and-learns, OSS awareness for
faculties, and full-on evaluated course etc. are great.
I have documented it (in raw format) in ALC space for reference
purposes so that we don't miss this information in the future.

As we established some more ALCs, we will make a more *detailed
execution plan* on these ideas.

Thank you so much!

Best regards,
Swapnil M Mane,

On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 4:04 AM Daniel Ruggeri <> wrote:
> On 12/9/2019 12:05 PM, Swapnil M Mane wrote:
> > *Important* - Targeting university as a goal was just an example.
> > Our goal as foundation could be anything and I am just saying
> > these local ALC will help us in getting them executed is a more efficient
> > and impactful way in the local region.
> Yes... AND - I'll also add that this is exactly the kind of outreach
> that I think would be *outstanding* for us to do more "formally".
> The genesis of my own time as a teacher came from ApacheCon Austin (or
> maybe Denver). We were sitting in the BarCamp talking about how to
> improve the understanding of Open Source and an individual informed the
> group that he had never heard of Open Source until well after he
> graduated from University. This came as a shock to several of us.
> However... thinking back on my own naive understanding of Open Source
> when I was in college, it occurred to me that it would be great to have
> some sort of <thing> available to students, on their terms. Things such
> as 1hr lunch-and-learns for an expert to just chat about their passion,
> train-the-trainer sessions where an OSS evangelist arms faculty with
> understandings, extra credit labs where students understand and
> contribute to a project, and even a full-on evaluated course are ALL
> valuable ways that a local chapter (or, yes, an informal user group)
> could pay forward the gift of understanding to the next generation of
> our industry.
> I apologize for being a bit off topic, but if there is a way I can help
> support this kind of outreach, I'm all in :-)
> --
> Daniel Ruggeri

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