Hi Hadrian

I like this idea.

> At least one member of the Steering Committee SHOULD be a member of
This means a committer of community.a.o, right?

Sheng Wu 吴晟
Twitter, wusheng1108

Hadrian Zbarcea <hzbar...@gmail.com> 于2020年2月27日周四 上午4:47写道:

> Hi Juan Pan,
> Best is to keep things simple. My suggestion would be to have 3 roles:
> 1. Associate Members = anybody interested, low barrier to entry
> 2. Members (or Full Members) = members who are also committers to any ASF
> project
> 3. Steering Committee = elected from Full Members with an
> administrative/organizational role (similar to a PMC); size up to you
> Associate Members would become Full Members simply by getting the Vote of
> an ASF community/project, not special procedure would be necessary inside
> the ALC. At least one member of the Steering Committee SHOULD be a member
> of dev@community.a.o. You could consider removing Associate Members who
> were inactive for a significant time, say 2 years.
> Cheers,
> Hadrian
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 10:19 PM Juan Pan <panj...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi
>> After reading the thread, two of questions came to my mind, i.e. What is
>> the Responsibility of ALC member? How to become a ALC member?
>> Moreover, i guess other ALCs will have the same questions as well.
>> From the ALC doc[1], we can learn that the responsibilities of ALC are
>> mostly related to Apache way, so if the responsibilities of a member is to
>> help do those things,
>> that means a member at least has a basic understanding of Apache or did
>> some contributions?
>> Secondly, if many of people who may has no understanding of Apache, or
>> just want to be a member (for interest?), is it ok to include him as a
>> member? Is there any condition or bar?
>> IMO, we may consider nomination and vote for a member. Our upcoming
>> online meet up is a good chance to discuss.
>> See you then.
>> [1]
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/COMDEV/Apache+Local+Community+-+ALC#ApacheLocalCommunity-ALC-ALCRolesandResponsibilities
>>  *Juan Pan (Trista) *
>> Senior DBA & PPMC of Apache ShardingSphere(Incubating)
>> E-mail: panj...@apache.org
>> On 02/26/2020 09:53,Sheng Wu<wu.sheng.841...@gmail.com>
>> <wu.sheng.841...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Hadrian
>> So, from what I read in the thread above, I see you all being mostly in
>> agreement, but are referring to different (and important) aspects.
>> Yes, we are. We could discuss this more on Thur. online meeting.
>> Sheng Wu 吴晟
>> Twitter, wusheng1108
>> Hadrian Zbarcea <hzbar...@gmail.com> 于2020年2月26日周三 上午12:27写道:
>> Most of the disagreements on the ASF lists can be traced back to a
>> communication issue. I think I understand what Willem proposed and I agree
>> on the low bar aspect, but I think the way the term bar is used may create
>> unnecessary misunderstandings.
>> This being an ASF local community, it must be guided by ASF standards
>> (let's not call them rules). This is in the interest of advancing the ASF
>> values we believe in and proved successful for over 2 decades. From this
>> point of view the people who are organizing the community must know what
>> they're are doing, Sheng Wu you are correct. There should be a way in
>> which
>> the organizers (or members or whatever word we choose to describe that PMC
>> member like role) communicate with each other, build consensus and
>> execute.
>> If necessary, they are smart and experienced enough to ask for advice from
>> an ASF officer or the board, whatever the case may be.
>> On the other side, thinking about the intent behind the ACL Beijing, it is
>> not intended (I assume) as a private club, but a way to promote open
>> source
>> and the ASF. From this point of view the community should be inclusive,
>> there should be a low bar to entry, there should be good and active
>> mentoring of new individuals (whatever we call them if not members) and
>> they should be encouraged, helped, guided, mentored to be successful with
>> open source, ASF projects and the ASF way in particular. Interested and
>> talented individuals will get the karma in ASF projects and will go as far
>> as they want, and will get a better understanding of what the ASF is
>> about.
>> The 'status' in the ACL Beijing will come from their contributions to open
>> source projects, not the fact that they 'joined the club'. And to be
>> clear,
>> contributions don't mean just code contributions.
>> IMHO, it matters less if those who join are called members of the ALC,
>> what matters is what they do and how they are helped to become successful
>> and how they help others to become successful. Actually the term member is
>> a bit overloaded at the ASF as well. I remember many cases when newly
>> voted
>> PMC members thought they are members of the foundation, and it took a bit
>> for them to understand the difference.
>> So, from what I read in the thread above, I see you all being mostly in
>> agreement, but are referring to different (and important) aspects.
>> Best of luck,
>> Hadrian
>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 8:04 AM Sheng Wu <wu.sheng.841...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Willem
>> I am pretty sure this should not be having a bar like a project official
>> committer. But no bar? I don't think this is a reasonable idea.
>> As ALC we will use the Apache branding and Apache ALC branding, I prefer
>> there should be some guides, otherwise, how should we protect it?
>> And more, how should we make sure, the member could talk about the
>> culture of Apache basically correct(I wouldn 't say accurate, but at
>> least,
>> not misguide)? -- This question is suitable for JianSheng too.
>> How about the next one asking joining the ALC, what should we do? If he
>> is also not an Apache committer/PMC/member again
>> Sheng Wu 吴晟
>> Twitter, wusheng1108
>> Willem Jiang <willem.ji...@gmail.com> 于2020年2月25日周二 下午5:18写道:
>> I don't think we need to setup a bar on the people who want to join the
>> ALC.
>> As we are short of hand to advocate the Apache way in China. I think
>> JianSheng can provide a great help for us.
>> ALC is not a Apache project, current we don't have the PMC or
>> Committers, but I think community PMC can give us some guide and
>> advices for it.
>> Current the member of ALC Beijing are the active committers of Apache
>> or other people who interesting about it.  We may need to discuss a
>> way how to introduce new blood in a meritocracy way.
>> The main purpose of ALC is building a local community around ASF
>> projects, helping Apache projects cooperate with each other, and let
>> Chinese community to know better about Apache Software Foundation.
>> For the content we provide for the local audience should follow the
>> Apache Way and for the logo and branding related issues we also need
>> the approve from Apache Branding officer.
>> Willem Jiang
>> Twitter: willemjiang
>> Weibo: 姜宁willem
>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 4:45 PM Sheng Wu <wu.sheng.841...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Willem
>> Is there any invitation rule(guide) about adding a new member?
>> What is different between a member and not a member?
>> To be clear, I am not objecting, I just don't get the context.
>> In all other TLP project, member sometimes means a committer of ASF or
>> that project. Which is the bar(s) of an ALC member? Or even is there a bar
>> for this?
>> The deep reason I asked about this, is from my understanding the ALC
>> member needs to follow the Apache way, keep the branding used in the right
>> way, and so on.
>> To Jian Sheng
>> Please don't feel I am not welcoming you to join or unfriendly.
>> Really, I am not stopping you. I know the contributions you made for the
>> Apache/Apache Way/Open source.
>> I just want this community organized in the right and recommended way.
>> Sheng Wu 吴晟
>> Twitter, wusheng1108
>> Willem Jiang <willem.ji...@gmail.com> 于2020年2月25日周二 下午4:38写道:
>> FYI, I just updated the wiki page[1] and added JianSheng into the
>> member list.
>> Please let me know if you have any questions about it.
>> BTW, please add your picture into the page if you have time :)
>> [1]https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/COMDEV/ALC+Beijing
>> Willem Jiang
>> Twitter: willemjiang
>> Weibo: 姜宁willem
>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 2:20 PM Xiangdong Huang <saint...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> +1.
>> Jianshen  is very active for popularizing open source.
>> jincheng sun <sunjincheng...@gmail.com>于2020年2月25日 周二下午12:30写道:
>> +1 for your proposal Willem. I think we really need people who with
>> experience in Chinese communities to join us!
>> Best,
>> Jincheng
>> 适兕 <lijiangshe...@gmail.com> 于2020年2月23日周日 上午11:42写道:
>> Thanks Willem,
>> It's honor ,  be happy to do something for ALC  Beijing.
>> On Sun, Feb 23, 2020 at 11:23 AM Willem Jiang <
>> willem.ji...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'd like to introduce Jianshen Li, he is the founder of a
>> Chinese blog
>> which introduce Open Source Way for nearly 3 years.
>> Even he is not a Apache Committer, he translate bunch of ASF
>> related
>> articles [1][2][3][4]into Chinese, I think it helps lot for
>> promote
>> ASF in Chinese community.
>> Now I'm working closely with JIanshen to write more articles
>> for the
>> newbie who want to join the Open Source in China.
>> I'd like to invite him as a member of ALC Beijing.
>> Any throught?
>> [1]
>> http://opensourceway.community/posts/foundation_introduce/asf-founders-look-back-on-20-years/
>> [2]
>> http://opensourceway.community/posts/foundation_introduce/the_apache_way_to_sustainable_os/
>> [3]
>> http://opensourceway.community/posts/foundation_introduce/five-year-strategic-plan-for-the-asf-2018/
>> [4]
>> http://opensourceway.community/posts/foundation_introduce/how_apache_works/
>> Willem Jiang
>> Twitter: willemjiang
>> Weibo: 姜宁willem
>> On Sun, Feb 23, 2020 at 9:57 AM 适兕 <lijiangshe...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi, Swapnil and Willem ,
>> I am very interested helping for ALC  BeiJing,
>> + 1 from me.
>> As open source advocate , I am the founder of
>> opensourceway.community
>> ,  Dedicated to the exploration of ideas, knowledge and values
>> related to
>> open source.
>> Thanks.
>> On Sat, Feb 22, 2020 at 8:04 PM Swapnil M Mane <
>> swapnilmm...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>> Done Xiangdong, please check.
>> Best regards,
>> Swapnil M Mane,
>> www.apache.org
>> On Sat, Feb 22, 2020 at 5:14 PM Xiangdong Huang <
>> saint...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Swapnil,
>> I'd like to apply for the edit rights for the confluence.
>> My Confluence id is hxd.
>> Many thanks.
>> Best,
>> -----------------------------------
>> Xiangdong Huang
>> School of Software, Tsinghua University
>> 黄向东
>> 清华大学 软件学院
>> Swapnil M Mane <swapnilmm...@apache.org> 于2020年2月18日周二
>> 下午6:59写道:
>> Hello ALC Beijing team,
>> Hope you are doing well, it gives immense pleasure to us
>> to update
>> you
>> that the vote is passed by ComDev PMC to establish ALC
>> Beijing
>> Chapter
>> and Willem Jiang as ALC Beijing Chapter lead.
>> Here are the placeholder pages created in ComDev space
>> https://s.apache.org/alc-beijing
>> https://s.apache.org/alc-beijing-events
>> https://s.apache.org/alc-beijing-reports
>> I have given edit rights on Confluence for ComDev wiki
>> to following
>> members (since I found their confluence IDs)
>> -- Willem Jiang
>> -- Jeff Zhang
>> -- Liang Zhang
>> -- Jincheng Sun
>> -- Sheng Wu
>> -- Juan Pan
>> Rest members, please feel free to mail on the dev list
>> to request
>> the
>> edit rights with your confluence ID.
>> We would also like to connect you with Aditya Sharma.
>> Aditya is a very active member of ALC Indore Chapter and
>> will be
>> with
>> you for an initial few months to support and assist you
>> so that you
>> will be familiar with the processes followed by ALC
>> Chapter for its
>> execution ( https://s.apache.org/d4anc ).
>> Dear Willem and team,
>> We have the following roles and responsibilities as ALC
>> Chapter and
>> ALC Chapter lead:
>> [Online version of this is available at
>> https://s.apache.org/ALC-Chapter-Lead-RR ]
>> 1. Making sure the 'ALC Code of Conduct (
>> https://s.apache.org/alc-code-of-conduct )' is followed
>> by the ALC
>> Chapter.
>> 2. All the events organized by the ALC Chapter are
>> following the
>> Guidelines to organize ALC Event (
>> s.apache.org/alc-guidelines ).
>> 3. Chapter lead will submit the status report (
>> https://s.apache.org/alc-reports ) to ComDev (
>> dev@community.apache.org ) in every *three months*
>> based on their
>> reporting cycle.
>> For ALC Beijing the reporting cycle is May, August,
>> November,
>> February.
>> 4. Chapter Lead will be the point of contact for the
>> respective
>> ALC
>> Chapter.
>> If you have any queries or questions, please feel free
>> to post on
>> dev list.
>> All the very best team, and thank you for showing your
>> kind
>> interest
>> in this initiative.
>> Best regards,
>> Swapnil M Mane,
>> www.apache.org
>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 10:20 AM Swapnil M Mane <
>> swapnilmm...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>> Hello Skylar and Juan, thank you for your interest.
>> Skylar, please refer to my response inline.
>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2020 at 10:02 AM Skylar Deranick <
>> skysfr...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Sure I'll do it
>> Just for your information, as mentioned in one of my
>> recent mail
>> [1],
>> Currently, the voting is underway in ComDev PMC to
>> establish ALC
>> Beijing.
>> And it is the mandate of ComDev PMC to establish the
>> new ALCs,
>> so we have to wait until we get the response from the
>> PMC.
>> [1] https://s.apache.org/z8yo7
>> On Sat, Feb 8, 2020, 8:30 PM Juan Pan <
>> panj...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>> +1 from me.
>> I am tracking this thread.
>> Hope see ACL Beijing setting up, i believe there
>> are much
>> more active
>> PMCs, committers and contributors in Beijing
>> waiting for
>> this good
>> news.
>> Best wishes
>> Juan Pan (Trista)
>> Senior DBA & PPMC of Apache
>> ShardingSphere(Incubating)
>> E-mail: panj...@apache.org
>> On 02/7/2020 13:50,Sheng Wu<wush...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Willem
>> I am interested in helping ALC Beijing.
>> Sorry I didn't respond earlier.
>> +1 from me.
>> I am Apache SkyWalking VP, Incubator PMC,
>> ShardingSphere(incubating)
>> and mentor of DolphinScheduler(incubating) &
>> ECharts(incubating).
>> ALC Beijing is good news for SkyWalking,
>> ShardingSphere, and
>> DolphinScheduler, which has many initial PMC and
>> active
>> contributors
>> here.
>> Sheng Wu
>> On 2019/12/03 02:50:52, Willem Jiang <
>> ningji...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm Apache member and there are bunch of Apache
>> project
>> developers in
>> Beijing I know.  ALC just give us a very good
>> excuse to hand
>> out and
>> hold meetup together.
>> Regards,
>> Willem
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>> --
>> 独立之思想,自由之精神。
>> --陈寅恪
>> --
>> 独立之思想,自由之精神。
>> --陈寅恪
>> --
>> -----------------------------------
>> Xiangdong Huang
>> School of Software, Tsinghua University
>> 黄向东
>> 清华大学 软件学院

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