I was thinking that we would/should/might follow the permissions philosophy 
that we have for cwiki, but allowing anyone to be a Triager would make 
administration of it a million times simpler. I would have not any objection to 


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> 
Sent: 20 August 2020 12:07
To: dev@community.apache.org
Subject: Re: Triage role on Github

If you mean "grant the triage role to anyone with a GitHub account" then +1.

If you mean create a new level between contributor (i.e. anyone) and committer 
then -1.

If you go back (quite a few years) to when Bugzilla was the main issue tracker 
for ASF projects it was (and still is for those projects that use it - httpd, 
Tomcat etc) configured so that any user with an account could open, edit, 
label, close etc any bug.

Over time many projects seem to have adopted a more restrictive approach to 
issue management. I think that is partly due to the tools being used being more 
restrictive by default and partly due to a more corporate mindset prevailing in 
some projects that prefers technical barriers to social barriers.

I am strongly of the view that social barriers are better for communities than 
technical barriers. A lot of my early contributions to Tomcat were around 
triaging open issues. I could only do that because access to BZ issues was 
managed via social controls rather than technical ones.

Experience with BZ suggests that opening up the Github triage role to all will 
attract a few idiots from time to time but they can easily be banned and the 
benefits of attracting new contributors far outweigh the costs of idiot 


On 20/08/2020 10:20, Paul Angus wrote:
> Hi Members,
> One of our (CloudStack) comitters has come with a great idea to 
> increase project contributions...
> Traditionally Github has been very binary, you're either a commiter 
> and you can write to a Repo and perform Issue and Pull Request admin 
> (like add labels, change status, etc), or you aren't a comitter and 'sucks to 
> be you'.
> Githib has introduced a 'Triage' role which bridges the gap.  The 
> Triage role, allows issue and pull request admin, but still blocks 
> writing to the actual code. [1]
> I guess we'd need a mechanism to control/add contributors to the 
> Triage team per project, kinda like Karma for Confluence.
> I think that would be a great stepping stone for contributors to get 
> more involved in projects, so I'd like to gather support from other 
> projects and the ASF 'elders' for the principle.
> Many thanks
> Paul Angus
> [1]
> https://docs.github.com/en/github/setting-up-and-managing-organization
> s-and-teams/repository-permission-levels-for-an-organization

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