Problem: Members (and, more generally, committers) are less engaged with the larger Foundation than at any point in our history. Meanwhile, the mechanisms for getting more engaged (eg, the members mailing list) are a firehose of unrelated content that is very frustrating to the casual participant - even those who desire a deeper engagement - and, in practice, are completely off-putting. Committers, meanwhile, have no real avenue, outside of their project, for further engagement.

I've been struggling with ways to address this for years, and they all tend to founder on the rocks of "People should just be doing X!" which, in each case, is true, but also dismissive and ultimately unhelpful.

I would like to propose that we are more proactive about reaching out to our community in tiny, consumable bites, that hint at a larger feast that they're missing out on.

Here's my proposal, but I cannot (and will not) tackle this alone, because that guarantees failure, which guaranteed less participation the next time we suggest something like this.

Proposal/Brainstorming doc:

It's an intentionally simple idea - a minimum viable idea, one might say.

I want to know who's going to help make it a reality. Not particularly interested in "that's a great idea", as much as "I will help make it happen."

This will involve engagement with Events, M&P, and Board, at a minimum, but over time we'd hopefully engage everyone at the Foundation in content creation. But, even then, I want to keep this tiny and consumable - content that you can absorb in 2-5 minutes, always with a "to get more engaged ..." call to action aspect to it.

Come help me develop community.


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