Good for me. I **might** be late 15 minutes (but I will try to finish
my earlier call a bit before to be on time.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2022 at 7:40 PM Dirk-Willem van Gulik
<> wrote:
> Folks,
> Several of us are now either on panels or going to this event (at least 4 in 
> 3 panels; or petty much every panel if I take the 'Friends of Apache' a bit 
> more liberal).
> I understood from Roman that, while he will be there, the ASF will not have 
> any formal position at this event - or a specific message they want to get 
> across. But I've not managed to prepare something with him in an apache 
> contrext.
> So would it make sense if those that go to have a short chat tomorrow 
> evening, 1900 CET time in a general 'friends of open source and apache' sort 
> of way ? Just to make sure that we more or less prioritise what we think is 
> important / not create noice that dillutes something we all agree on.
> I've created:
> to prepare a bit. I've gathered what I read on
> And would be nice to know who is there (happy to add you to a participants 
> signal with limited life-time/auto-delete chat if you DM me a number).
> With kind regards,
> Dw
> EU-Workshop -- Informal prep Chat for Friends of Open Source and Apache
> Scheduled: 30 Nov 2022 at 18:45 to 19:45, CET
> Location: 

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