* log is only the Simulator
* build release/debug -- last one clobbers? depending on how the parsing is

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 3:56 PM, Filip Maj <f...@adobe.com> wrote:

> OK, I've done some rehash of the proposal and put it up on the wiki:
> http://wiki.apache.org/cordova/CommandLineToolingDesign
> Please take a look and post back if you have questions, disagreement, want
> to +1 it, etc.
> At the top there is a generic multi-device flow that can solve a lot of
> the consistency issues we've seen before.
> Assuming this proposal is on track, there are three outstanding questions.
> Two for the `log` command:
> * Does the current iOS implementation only work for simulator, or device,
> or either, or neither?
> * Does the multi-device flow apply correctly to the log case? It seems
> identifying whether the user's Cordova application is running on an
> emulator or device target would need to be figured out.
> One about the build command:
> * What happens when a user specifies both --release and --debug, I.e.
> `build --release --debug`?
> On 3/25/13 1:54 PM, "Michael Brooks" <mich...@michaelbrooks.ca> wrote:
> >>
> >> To be absolutely clear, the above is NOT the motivation for changing
> >>this
> >> stuff around. Cordova-cli needs consistency across platforms. This is
> >>the
> >> motivation.
> >
> >
> >Yep, as long as we can guarantee that each script follows a predictable
> >input and output, I don't care how we implement it.
> >
> >If you guys really want a single entry-point with flags, then go nuts, but
> >we will need to clearly define what happens when:
> >
> >  - no flag is provided e.g. `build`
> >  - multiple flags are provided e.g. `build --release --debug`
> >
> >---
> >
> >+1 to adding a script that validates a platform's SDK requirements.
> >
> >This script should not need to modify project files to assert the SDK
> >requirements. I mention this because the current `cordova-cli` Android
> >`check_requirements` must successfully update the Android project target
> >before returning true. However, consider the scenario where you validate
> >the SDK before adding the platform - in this case, the Android
> >`check_requirements` will always fail.
> >
> >Michael
> >
> >On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Filip Maj <f...@adobe.com> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> >Hopefully, next time we will change/update these things it will be for
> >>a
> >> >real reason (such as SDK tools updates etc...) and not because we think
> >> >that there might be a better implementation in C#.
> >>
> >> To be absolutely clear, the above is NOT the motivation for changing
> >>this
> >> stuff around. Cordova-cli needs consistency across platforms. This is
> >>the
> >> motivation.
> >>
> >>

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