We shouldn't insist if we don't have to. Me thinks.


On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Filip Maj <f...@adobe.com> wrote:

> >The <android:required="true"> tidbit might make it necessary to special
> >case permissions.
> >
> >E.g. the app sets a permission with required=true, then a plugin adds the
> >permission as well. We go to de-dupe, what happens? We'll need logic to
> >properly combine the two.
> My answer: if both app and plugin require the same permission, but one is
> qualified higher (I.e. More attributes or w/e), the more specific elements
> remain.
> >For native code added by the app developer, shouldn't we be insisting that
> >they try to do so by writing an app-specific plugin?
> I think so.

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