Eh Don, not sure which is the culprit (man or machine) but this is the
script steve uses to build the phonegap release:

But I think he basically manually copies the junk from cordova into to make the release.

All that said, starting 2.8.0 we're going to start pimping the
phonegap-cli as The One True Way and de-emphasize the big ball of src
we throw in ppl's faces as we do today.

On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 9:00 AM, Don Coleman <> wrote:
> The for distribution contains a __MACOSX directory with
> a bunch resource forks.
> Can we remove this files from the next distribution?
> If Finder's compress function is used to create the zip, we can remove the
> files after with
>   zip -d __MACOSX/*
> If the command line version of zip is used to create the archive, it won't
> add the "extra" files.

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