Most of the scripts themselves shell out to things like adb or
whatever so putting another layer of scripting abstraction over top
feels unnecessary (to me). I suppose the benefit is that on Android
we'd have less code?

Are there other benefits?

On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 6:55 PM, Andrew Grieve <> wrote:
> Cool!
> I don't think npm is a good idea for them since that will add another
> avenue for mistakes to be made. Shelling out to them seems fine. You can
> also just require() them if you're sure they aren't going to mess up you're
> apps state (e.g. change your CWD), but shelling out is certainly safer.
> On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 6:24 PM, Filip Maj <> wrote:
>> Don't think for android specifically there has been any work on this
>> On 7/11/13 2:55 PM, "Andrew Grieve" <> wrote:
>> >We talked about unifying on node post 3.0 for our scripts (e.g. android
>> >create script).
>> >
>> >Was wondering if anyone had started on this?

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