On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 12:14 PM, Andrew Grieve <agri...@chromium.org> wrote:
> -1 to shims. A plugin's java package name shouldn't be considered a part of
> its API. That's why there is a mapping in the config.xml.
> Shouldn't have to change any require() statements, or any JS at all. Those
> use plugin IDs, not java namespaces.

If this is really true, then I don't see why we don't wait until the
next release.

> Replace-all on the package statement at the top of the file, and change the
> reference in plugin.xml. I'd put this change in the "polish" category.
> That's what we should be doing now, no?

I think we have enough work already without adding this extra polish.
This is the only release where we have a deadline, and I think that
adding this will make us miss that deadline.

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