As I'm going through all of the polish details, reading through the upgrade
guides, and thinking about API-type things that we'd still like to change,
I'm wondering if it would be wise to message 3.0 as an "early-adopter" or
"beta" release.

One prime example of something that I think people will get tripped up by
is that when you use Xcode or Eclipse, your changes will be often blown
away by "cordova prepare". I think we should explore solutions to this
(e.g. in Xcode, have the project reference the root www/ and merges/
instead of the derived one). Another thing we could do is rename www ->

The "beta" / "early adopter" label would mean:
- No 3.0 "final", we can just go with calling "3.1" stable
- User expectations will be that CLI may have bugs or rough edges (e.g.
when you remove a platform, any modifications you make will be deleted)
(e.g. I don't think there's a way to "plugin ls" that shows the @src of
your plugins - URL+hash+subdir) (e.g. There is no way yet for apps to
depend on plugins by adding them to your config.xml & typing "cordova
plugin sync")

Usually major releases come with the expectation that they are better &
more solid & worthy of attention. I feel like 3.0 will be more of an alpha
in terms of quality / stability of code changing.


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