I think we should document both.

On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Joe Bowser <bows...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 6:21 AM, Andrew Grieve <agri...@chromium.org>
> wrote:
> > The CLI guide reads quite well! Great work whoever put it together! :)
> >
> > Just occurred to me that for 3.0 -> 3.1, we can probably just write a
> > single "CLI" upgrade guide instead of writing one for each platform
> (might
> > need caveats per-platform still).
> >
> > Should we document how to create plugman-only projects as well as CLI
> > projects? If so, we'll need a good top-level explainer page that explains
> > the difference. If not, then I don't think we should mention it in our
> > readme. I'm hoping that we can document only the CLI flow so that there
> > will be less diversity in project structures out there, and it will let
> us
> > focus on doing one thing well.
> >
> I think we should document plugman-only projects, because that's what
> exists today.  It's much easier to start to use plugman for a project
> than to use the CLI, especially if you've done your own modifications
> to the Java code in your Cordova project, which a few people have
> done.  I see nothing here that helps our existing users maintain their
> codebases.  If this project teaches you anything, it should teach you
> that just because you want people to use your project a certain way,
> it doesn't mean that they will.

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