Ok, I forgot to run cordova serve. I did, and then I get the same behavior
as before. A prompt and then infinite console.log messages.

On 9/2/13 8:32 PM, "Gord Tanner" <gtan...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Good news!
>I have a branch that is booting projects made with cordova 3.0 [1].
>It is basically a stripped down platform and I tested it booting a project
>with android and ios.
>To run:
>> cordova create Baz
>> cordova platform add android
>> cordova prepare
>> ripple emulate
>(make sure you pick cordova 3.0.0)
>I was noticing that when I ran cordova serve android it wouldn't have the
>cordova_plugins.js file.
>Next Steps:
>- audit API's that are emulated and ensure they are up to spec (most are
>just using the 2.0 emulated versions)
>- reintegrate with cordova cli.
>Let me know if you take this for a test drive and have any problems.

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