Hello, Cordova Devs,

I am a software developer at Lab126 @amazon. I am part of HTML5 WebApp Platform 
team here. As some of you might know, amazon recently introduced FireOS for its 
KindleFire tablets. For more info please see 
I would like to add FireOS as a platform for Cordova. I have been recently 
exploring various cordova's git repositories and plug-in mechanism. Based on my 
initial readings I have some ideas but would like to hear if you guys have any 
better suggestions.

Basically, here is what I am thinking.

1. A new git repo for FireOS which is very similar to cordova-android but with 
FireOS related changes. Should I create a new one or would a committer do that?
2. For most plug-ins, add amazon as a platform in plugin.xml but point to 
android sources or create a separate source file if required.
3. Update cordova-cli, to add FireOS platform.
4. Update mobile-spec to run the test suite for FireOS.
5. Update documentation across the repos wherever platform is mentioned. (might 
need help in finding out places and how to go about it) :)

Please let me know what you guys think.


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