Thanks. This doesn't belong here in this list. And I already added an issue
in my repo earlier today to do just so. File issues in the repo, they get
to me.

On Thursday, October 3, 2013, Tyler Wilson wrote:

> I am sorry, this message may be better sent directly to shazron, but I
> thought others might be interested too.
> I just built up a new Cordova 3.1.0 project, installed the device,
> console, splash screen, testflight and my own plugin. They all installed in
> a way that I did not have to add any script include tags in my html - they
> are part of the cordova_plugins.js. All except the test flight plugin. That
> one I had to add the plugins/testflight.js.
> Perhaps shazron can add the magic to the plugin.xml needed to get it
> installed automatically? Looks to me through a simple compare it is the
> js-module element that is needed (it has the clobbers element that is in
> the cordova_plugins.js file.
> The plugin is working great besides that little niggle BTW.
> Thanks,
> Tyler

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