Oh, don’t get me wrong. I *have* shipped an app that is otherwise completely 
dictated by the CLI workflow (and has been since the CLI was in beta… we drink 
the Kool-Aid).

We have just had to document internally how to do it.

But if releasing is possible from the terminal (at least on Android, iOS and 
BB10… excuse my WP8 ignorance), then why *can’t* the Cordova CLI help / handle 
it? A little documentation and a couple wrapper node scripts later and the 
process is better, surely.

On 26 Nov 2013, at 6:36 am, Michal Mocny <mmo...@chromium.org> wrote:

> Lets distinguish between "CLI" as (a) one of two potential cordova
> workflows vs (b) typing commands into a terminal using an easy & documented
> & unsurprising syntax for users of the cordova tool.
> So: How would you release from "the CLI"?
> (a) The same ways you would using the platform workflow
> (b) You cannot
> My point is: its worth simplifying/documenting for (b) but its not like you
> cannot ever ship an app using the "project workflow" aka "CLI".
> -Michal
> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 11:29 AM, Tommy Williams <to...@devgeeks.org> wrote:
>> How would you release from the CLI?
>> On what platforms?
>> In was not aware of any way in the CLI workflow to avoid going into Xcode
>> (in the case of iOS), or typing 'ant release' (after setting up your
>> release keys) in the case of Android.
>> BB10 does have flags... But the others? Have I missed something?
>> On 23/11/2013 5:19 AM, "Michal Mocny" <mmo...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 1:00 PM, Ian Clelland <iclell...@chromium.org
>>>> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 2:56 PM, Joe Bowser <bows...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 11:37 AM, Ian Clelland <
>> iclell...@chromium.org
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Would it make sense to have a build flag for this? "cordova build
>>>>> --debug",
>>>>>> "cordova build --release"; something like that (bikeshed colours
>>>>> welcome).
>>>>>> I don't think that config.xml is the place for it; it seems like it
>>>>> should
>>>>>> be lower than that, but I'm not exactly sure how it should be set.
>>>>> Considering that we have to add Java code to get this to work, it
>>>>> either has to be in the XML, or we're going to have to check the
>>>>> AndroidManifest to see if we're in debug mode, like what we already
>> do
>>>>> for SSL errors.
>>>> If we could set that flag in the manifest from the CLI (as part of
>>> prepare,
>>>> or as part of build) then that would probably do it.
>>>>> There
>>>>>> will probably need to be platform-specific implementations, but it
>>>> would
>>>>> be
>>>>>> good to have a cross-platform way of turning it on and off.
>>>>> The CLI doesn't have a way to actually release software, so I assume
>>>>> that ALL builds created by it are Debug Builds.
>>>> True. There should be a thread about that, too :)
>>> What do we mean that the CLI doesn't have a way to release software?
>> Maybe
>>> not using a single command, but you certainly can with the workflow.

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