A while back I posted a question regarding Camera targetWidth & targetHeight 
properties and how they worked. After some discussion, the conclusion I reached was 
that the documentation couldn't be correct about how it worked since there was no 
way to determine the camera's resolution with the current API but the docs said I 
had to provide both parameters.  I said I'd do some testing and I have finally 
gotten around to completing it. Here's what I discovered:

I created an application that allowed me to pass in different values for 
targetWidth & targetHeight when taking a picture. I tested at the following 
image sizes: 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 as well as setting only the targetWidth to 
1024 or only the targetHeight to 768.

Here's the results:

Portrait        Landscape
480x640         640x480
600x800         800x600
768x1024        1024x768
768x1024        1024x768
768x1024        1024x768

Portrait        Landscape
360x480         640x480
450x600         800x600
576x768         1024x768
2448x3264       3264x2448
2448x3264       3264x2448

Windows Phone 8
Portrait        Landscape
1836x3264       3264x1836
1836x3264       3264x1836
1836x3264       3264x1836
1836x3264       3264x1836
1836x3264       3264x1836

As you can see, Android properly implements the targetWidth & targetHeight 
properties. On iOS, it supports setting both properties, but not instances where 
only one is specified. Windows Phone 8 ignores the parameters completely.  On iOS, 
when you turn the device on its side, the Camera API applies the target width or 
height to the wrong axis (Android does this well however).

I'm trying to test this on a BlackBerry device, but my development environment 
is giving me fits right now. I'll work on it in the morning and publish my 
results when I get them.

I would suggest that the android implementation is as expected and that the other 
platforms need their implementations of targetWidth & targetHeight adjusted so 
it works correctly. The documentation should be updated as well as it's incorrect 
today specifying that both properties must be provided.

If the group doesn't want to support only providing one of the properties, then 
I would expect that the onError callback is called when only one is provided 
rather than simply ignoring them as is the case with iOS and Windows Phone.

I posted my sample application and a spreadsheet with my results to 

John M. Wargo
@johnwargo <http://twitter.com/johnwargo>
www.johnwargo.com <http://www.johnwargo.com>

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