>> What is this, and why don¹t I see it in packages.json?

This was my fault. I hadn't updated locally and thus it wasn't present. When I 
updated, things broke and npm install fixed it.

Mark wrote‎:
> Ok, I agree this is somewhat hacky. Changed it to a simpler if and removed 
> the option to call CLI() without the 'node' and script name elements as the 
> first two elements of inputArgs.
> But now with the CLI() accessing process.argv


> Sorry, this reordering while wasn't absolutely necessary for the additional 
> flags was still a prerequisite and
> I definitely didn't have it planned before hitting some problems with adding 
> the new flags.

There are ways to split up git commits, I know they're somewhat painful, but 
doing it helps everyone who comes later.

> I'll try to separate larger patches into several git commits in the future.
> By the way, on github it's easy to see diffs for different git commits in one 
> pull request,

Yeah. A feature I love.

> but is there a way to individually inspect diffs from different git commits 
> on review board?

Dunno, as is probably clear from above, I'm not a review board user.

Until someone gives me a good reason not to use github.com pull requests, I'll 
continue to use them....

> It lumps a patch containing several commits into a single diff when clicking 
> "view diff" and I didn't find a way to look at the commits separately.

> I just realized that for some reason JSHing (that I started experimenting 
> with recently)

Bryan Higgins was playing with one this week too...

> only complained  about comparison with zero but not about comparison with 1 
> or a string.

> Will be glad to hear some style wisdom from experienced JS people.

> Do we have some written style guidelines specifically for Cordova?

The wiki or git (can't remember which) does have some. And they aren't followed 

> If not, are there some popular, well written guides that we could adopt?


It's partially a can of worms.

I generally subscribe to "when in Rome"

> This line moved to line 155. We first need to figure out whether the www dir 
> will be a real dir or a symlink.

Yeah, I eventually found it, but my point is that it was lost. Also, could you 
delay the other mkdir's to the later point so that readers see they're related?

I'm not asking for changes here, just trying to understand and underline 

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