I think it is a a good idea! So a +1

Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Axel Nennker<mailto:ignisvul...@gmail.com>
Sent: ‎12/‎30/‎2013 20:47
To: dev<mailto:dev@cordova.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Moving www/config.xml -> config.xml (within CLI)

I support this proposal.

When I started work on CB-2606
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-2606I noticed that the
element <icon src="icon.png"... />
suggests that icons are put next to config.xml as well.
When config.xml is in the project root it becomes more natural to put icons
in <project root>/res/icons/<platform>/icon.png


I need opinions on my current implementation of CB-2606.
Please chime in to the email thread with the subject "Started Implementing
CB-2606 Add support for <icon in config.xml"

2013/12/30 Andrew Grieve <agri...@chromium.org>

> I thought this was previously discussed, but I can't find any JIRA issues
> or old emails about it.
> Proposal:
> For CLI projects:
> - Use www/config.xml if it exists
> - Otherwise use ./config.xml
> - Change the project template to use ./config.xml by default
> Reasons:
> - Paths in config.xml are relative to project root
> - Prevents a copy of config.xml ended up in platforms/*/www
> - Manifests are generally found at the top-level of projects.
> Sound good? If so I'll make an issue and work on this. Since it's holidays,
> will wait until next week Tuesday (Jan 7) to proceed.
> Andrew

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