On May 1, 2014, at 8:47 AM, Ray Camden <rayca...@adobe.com> wrote:

> 1. Please don't mention WebSQL.
> RKC: Heh, well, it *works*, but yeah, ok, removed to make it more generic.

Why?  None of my apps work without it.

I only care about ios and android and websql is there.  The day they remove it 
I will replace it with a pair of phonegap plugins and sqlite.  I think other 
platforms should have this capability too FWIW.  To me - phonegap is the 
ultimate "screw you" to the squabbling web browser companies.  We will route 
around you if you get in our way.

I think WebSQL should be a standard phonegap plugin (and it was in the early 
days wasn't it?).

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