
On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 8:45 AM, Michal Mocny <> wrote:

> After sleeping on it, I think if you're going to introduce package.json and
> local installs of cli & platforms, and require node scripts to manage
> environment, you really may as well go the last mile and replace use of the
> global CLI installation with grunt/gulp plugins.  (that sounds interesting,
> but I do not know who would be willing & able to do it.)
> In the mean time, the existing CLI is already solving all the use cases
> pointed out in this thread, and I'm not aware of it being a problem.
> -Michal
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Michal Mocny <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 11:10 AM, Carlos Santana <>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> I think regardless how much sugar we use to make it easy, I think the
> >> under
> >> the hood foundation/architecture should be something like:
> >>
> >> LocalProject/www/
> >> LocalProject/config.xml
> >> LocalProject/package.json
> >> LocalProject/node_module/.bin/cordova
> >>
> >> config.xml (manages the cordova app)
> >> package.json (manages the cordova project)
> >>
> >> pacakge.json (will specify all dependencies and npm will take care of
> >> fulfill them)
> >> {
> >> cordova: ">3.6",
> >> cordova-ios: "3.6.1",
> >> cordova-android: "3.6.2",
> >> cordova-plugin-device: "*",
> >> cordova-plugin-file: "^0.2.4"
> >> }
> >> npm install will take care of making everything available locally.
> >>
> >> I know that we don't have plugins in npm, but something to think about,
> in
> >> terms of just a secondary repository to download the files and caching.
> >>
> >> a global @cordova-cli, can be available like grunt-cli, to look first in
> >> local directory (i.e. findup)
> >>
> >> like someone mentioned npm installs hooks can run the "cordova platform
> >> add"
> >>
> >
> > Looked into it.  Apparently this is really really taboo, which signals we
> > will not have a good time down this path.
> >
> >
> >>
> >> this way minimal set of files can be put a dev repo, and reproduce by
> >> another developer very easy both getting same resulting project.
> >>
> >> git clone && cd cordovapp && npm
> >> install && cordova run android
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 6:35 PM, Terence M. Bandoian <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> > I still consider myself a relative newcomer to Cordova but, from a
> >> > development standpoint, it would be easiest for me if I could manage
> >> each
> >> > platform of a project independently - including plugins.  Creating a
> >> > parallel project to make sure that the plugins and Cordova base don't
> >> > change for one platform while I work on another isn't ideal but it
> isn't
> >> > completely unmanageable either.  It just makes the workflow a little
> >> more
> >> > complex.
> >> >
> >> > -Terence
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > On 6/3/2014 7:12 PM, Michal Mocny wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> We don't do platform-plugin version matching *at all* today.
>  Everyone
> >> >> uses
> >> >> the latest plugins and any platform version they want, and its been
> >> >> "fine".
> >> >>   So using different platform versions isn't as hard as you guys are
> >> >> making
> >> >> it out to be.
> >> >>
> >> >> Still, I've already said its not necessarily a complexity that needs
> >> to be
> >> >> addressed in a world where you can create multiple projects and use
> >> >> --link-to or whatever, so long as your platforms aren't installed
> >> >> globally.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Anyway, thanks for posting your instructions Brian/Tommy.  As I
> >> mentioned
> >> >> it would be, thats a different workflow than we have now.  I'm going
> to
> >> >> sleep on it before I comment, but it certainly isn't just like "You
> >> know
> >> >> how we do it today".
> >> >>
> >> >> -Michal
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 7:59 PM, tommy-carlos williams <
> >>
> >> >> >
> >> >> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >>  I don’t think you really can forget about plugins for a second.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> In my personal opinion, the entire ./platforms folder should be a
> >> build
> >> >>> artefact. If you want to freeze iOS, then use a branch or a new
> clone
> >> of
> >> >>> the project.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> It’s not that I can think of no scenarios where supporting multiple
> >> >>> platform versions would be needed, it’s just that I think it’s
> >> needlessly
> >> >>> complex vs using a dev workflow to solve those problems.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> I already version cordova within a project… I have a local version
> of
> >> >>> cordova installed into ./node_modules for each project and use Grunt
> >> to
> >> >>> call ./node_modules/.bin/cordova rather than the global cordova cli.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> On 4 June 2014 at 9:46:29, Terence M. Bandoian (
> >> >>> wrote:
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Forgetting about plugins for a second, what if:
> >> >>>
> >> >>> - I complete a project for iOS
> >> >>> - six months later the client decides to port to Android and:
> >> >>> - I want the latest fixes for Android
> >> >>> - I want to keep the iOS version frozen for the time being
> >> >>>
> >> >>> I would expect releases for each platform to be on different
> >> schedules.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> -Terence
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>> On 6/3/2014 6:17 PM, Michal Mocny wrote:
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> Most plugins will work across a wide range of platform versions, so
> >> >>>> often
> >> >>>> it would work to have disparate platform versions even with
> plugins.
> >> >>>> However, I do concede that in general this isn't a complexity we
> >> focus
> >> >>>>
> >> >>> on.
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> Interested in your thoughts about the other points.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> -Michal
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 7:07 PM, tommy-carlos williams <
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>  You can’t have version x of a plugin for iOS and version y of that
> >> same
> >> >>>>> plugin for Android, so multiple platform versions seems like a
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>> complexity
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> for complexity’s sake.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> It’s true that different apps need to support different platform
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>> versions,
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> but I would suspect that the greatest majority of those would want
> >> the
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>> same
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> version of iOS and Android in app x.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> On 4 June 2014 at 9:04:42, Brian LeRoux ( wrote:
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> That is the thing: you do not EVER want to have disparate versions
> >> of
> >> >>>>> platforms. Plugins negate this potential fantasy.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> You want version locked deps. You want to use package.json to do
> >> that
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>> b/c
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> that is what the runtime we use has standardized itself on.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Terence M. Bandoian <
> >>
> >> >>>>> >
> >> >>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>  A typical use case might be:
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>> -project1
> >> >>>>>> -project1-ios
> >> >>>>>> -project1-android
> >> >>>>>> -project1-windows
> >> >>>>>> ...
> >> >>>>>> -projectN
> >> >>>>>> -projectN-ios
> >> >>>>>> -projectN-android
> >> >>>>>> -projectN-windows
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>> with a different platform version for each sub-project.
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>> Would CLI be installed globally? Locally for each sub-project?
> >> Would a
> >> >>>>>> project-platform have to be re-built if a plugin were added?
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>> -Terence
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>> On 6/3/2014 1:47 PM, Michal Mocny wrote:
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>  Okay, so I think that implies:
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> (a) CLI versions tied to very specific platform versions ==> to
> >> >>>>>>> switch
> >> >>>>>>> platform versions you must switching CLI versions ==> switching
> >> one
> >> >>>>>>> platform version switches all platform versions.
> >> >>>>>>> - Andrew pointed out this is currently the case, and is a
> problem
> >> >>>>>>> that
> >> >>>>>>> leads to users not updating CLI as often as they otherwise would
> >> >>>>>>> - I think this basically implies platforms cannot be
> independently
> >> >>>>>>> versioned (sure the semver numbers may differ, but for all
> >> practical
> >> >>>>>>> purposes, you would use platforms from the same release date,
> >> based
> >> >>>>>>> on
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>> CLI
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>> version).
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> (b) Require apps to depend on specific CLI version, assuming you
> >> mean
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>> with
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>> a local package.json:
> >> >>>>>>> - Now all cordova projects must be node projects, which they
> >> >>>>>>> currently
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>> are
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>> not.
> >> >>>>>>> - Currently the cordova-cli creates apps, so we have a globally
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>> installed
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>> bootstrapping cordova-cli, and a locally installed specific
> version
> >> >>>>>>> cordova-cli, a-la grunt/gulp. (this idea was thrown around
> >> before).
> >> >>>>>>> - Quite a dramatic change for cordova workflow, surely larger
> than
> >> >>>>>>> the
> >> >>>>>>> current proposal.
> >> >>>>>>> - Or we drop cordova-cli entirely and just publish grunt/gulp
> >> plugins
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>> to
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> "add cordova" to your existing web app. Thats an even more radical
> >> >>>>>>> departure and significant work.
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> -Michal
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Brian LeRoux <>
> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> No, at least not how I'd see it done.
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>> 1.) Updating is important. Staying current: encouraged.
> >> >>>>>>>> 2.) I'd make my App depend on a specific CLI version. I'd call
> >> into
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> that
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>> using npm scripts.
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 10:48 AM, Michal Mocny <
> >>>
> >> >>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>> Thinking it through, if cordova platforms are deps of the CLI,
> to
> >> >>>>>>>> install a
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>  specific version you wouldn't just do:
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>  npm install -g cordova-ios@3.4.1
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>  you would actually need to:
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>  cd $(npm config get prefix)/lib/node_modules/cordova
> >> >>>>>>>>>> npm install --save cordova-ios@3.4.1
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>  ..and then remember to do that again whenever you `npm
> update
> >> -g`
> >> >>>>>>>>> ..and its harder to have multiple platform versions for
> >> different
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>  projects
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>  (questionable if this is useful for devs outside of cordova
> >> >>>>>>>>> contributors,
> >> >>>>>>>>> but may be useful at last test upgrades when we ship new
> >> platform
> >> >>>>>>>>> versions).
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> -Michal
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 1:28 PM, Brian LeRoux <>
> >> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> NIH: not invented here
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 10:17 AM, Andrew Grieve <
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Brian LeRoux <>
> >> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Actually that was >0 LOC which is a fine argument if you ask
> >> me.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> And
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> we
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>  both know there is much more to it than just that.
> >> lazy_load…for
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> example.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> If you're concerned about code, there is a tonne of much
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>  lower-hanging
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> fruit.
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> Bundling platforms is bundling a dep that we require to
> >> operate.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> We
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> do
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> not
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> require plugins to operate. You cannot build a project
> without
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>  having a
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> platform and, indeed, you probably want more than one.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> I don't require blackberry to create an iOS project. But I
> do
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> require
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>  some
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>  plugins. We use "npm cache add" to download plugins, I don't
> >> see
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> how
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> platforms would not work just as easily.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Agree that we need discreet versioning: hence why I'm
> >> advocating
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> we
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> use
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> well understood, maintained, and effectively standard system
> >> for
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> doing
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> this. We do not need NIH dependencies that is what
> >> package.json is
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> for!
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> I don't know what NIH dependencies are. Googling suggests
> >> you're
> >> >>>>>>>>>> talking
> >> >>>>>>>>>> about drugs...
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> We *are* using npm for downloading, we're just not making
> the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> user
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>  type
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> it
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> directly.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Mark's approach also avoids the "what-if" cases where what's
> >> in
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> your
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> node_modules might not match what's in your platforms/
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Does what Mark has implemented not address a use-case of
> >> yours?
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Or
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>  are
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> we
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>  going back & forth over personal preference?
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>  On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 9:07 AM, Andrew Grieve <
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Brian LeRoux <>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Andrew, you misunderstand. I am talking about bundling
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> platforms
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> directly
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> as dependencies of the CLI.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A trivial example:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CLI
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> '-ios
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wherein, CLI declares the precise version of the platform
> >> it
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  uses.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> We
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>  could
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> wildcard. I don't know that we want or need to do that.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> It would have identical semantics to today except the
> >> download
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  penalty
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> happens up front. (We can remove lazy_load logic. We don't
> >> have
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> to
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> maintain
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> our own dependency manifests and caches. LESS code: good
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  thing.)
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> Let me paste the code for doing our own caching for you:
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> cordova_npm: function lazy_load_npm(platform) {
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> if (!(platform in platforms)) {
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> return Q.reject(new Error('Cordova library "' +
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>  platform
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> +
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>  '"
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>  not recognized.'));
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> }
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> var pkg = 'cordova-' + platform + '@' +
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> platforms[platform].version;
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> return Q.nfcall( npm.load, {cache:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>  path.join(util.libDirectory,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> 'npm_cache') })
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> .then(function() {
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> return Q.ninvoke(npm.commands, 'cache', ['add',
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>  pkg]);
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> }).then(function(info) {
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> var pkgDir = path.resolve(npm.cache,,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>  info.version,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>  'package');
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> return pkgDir;
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> });
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> },
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> There's really no "amount of code" argument here.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Adding platforms at a specific version would mean having a
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> specific
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> version
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> of the CLI. Yes: this is way better! Explicit dependencies
> is
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> best
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> way
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> to work w/ the small modules thing.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bundling platforms with CLI would be like bundling all of
> >> the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> plugins
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> with
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> CLI, or like bundling every npm module with npm.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Devs need to be able to try out platforms at different
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> versions.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>  We
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> should
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> not do anything that keeps users clinging to old versions of
> >> CLI
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>  (e.g.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> they
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> do this now because they don't want to update to new
> >> platforms)
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>  On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 7:34 PM, Michal Mocny <
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 10:14 PM, Andrew Grieve <
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Here's both flows as I understand them:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Direct NPM flow:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # Downloads platform source into node_modules
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> npm install cordova-ios@3.4.0 --save
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # Runs the create script and installs plugins to create
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  platforms/ios
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> cordova platform add ios --path=node_modules/cordova-ios
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> To be fair, I think with Brian's suggestion, platform add
> >> FOO
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> by
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> default look in node_modules so you wouldn't be explicit
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> about
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> it,
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> and
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> also
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the default cordova project package.json would depend on
> >> all
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> latest
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> versions of each platform, so the flows would actually be:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> cordova create Foo && cd Foo
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> npm install
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> npm install cordova-ios@3.4 --save
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cordova platform add android
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cordova platform add ios
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # crazy idea? use npm post-install hooks to auto-run
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  create/upgrade
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> so
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> you usually don't need above two lines?
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Compared to:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  cordova create Foo && cd Foo
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cordova platform add android
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cordova platform add ios@3.4
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I think #2 is enough better that its not worth
> changing.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cordova-to-npm flow (as Mark's implemented):
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # Runs "npm cache add cordova-ios", then runs create
> >> script
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  from
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~/cache/cordova-ios/bin/create
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> cordova platform add ios@3.4.0
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - In both flows: we use npm to do all of the heavy
> >> lifting
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - In both flows: the npm module is cached in your home
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  directory
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - In both flows?: we store the plugins & platforms
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> explicitly
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> within
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> config.xml (Gorkem's added this)
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> - In flow #1, we have a package.json & a node_modules, in
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  #2
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> we
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>  don't.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Why put the onus on the user to fetch the platform source
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> as
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> easy
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as running "npm cache add" under-the-hood?
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In regards to the idea of using require() on platform
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  scripts
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> of
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> subshelling: I think this is tangental to the debate of
> how
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> fetch
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> platform.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In regards to using "npm install" directly when using
> the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  plugman
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> workflow:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> Sounds good to me.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 6:05 PM, Brian LeRoux <
> >> >
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eventually, yes. (Sort of how Grunt works now.)
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 5:52 PM, Terence M. Bandoian <
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can multiple versions of a platform be installed
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> side-by-side?
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Terence
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 6/2/2014 3:04 PM, Michal Mocny wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >From original email: "Ideal future CLI uses
> platforms
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> other
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> deps.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We lose lazy loading but network and disk is cheap so
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  it
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wasn't
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> really
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> important anyhow."
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Made me think Brian is proposing adding platforms to
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  cli
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> package.json
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> dependencies, and you would have a single global
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> install
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cordova-platforms.
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> Then you can override the version with an explicit
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  install
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> he
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>  mentions
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "npm i cordova-ios@3.5.0".
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Personally, I think that workflow could work, and
> has
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  a
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> few
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> benefits,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> but
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure that option compares well to the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alternative
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>  just
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> lazy
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> loading using npm cache add as Mark has already
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implemented
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>  experiment
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> (anyone interested in this topic should take a look at
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> patch).
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> The steps Brian & Ian outline about how to package
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> platforms
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> release
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> npm are possibly an improvement over the old-style
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  platform-centric
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> workflow. Instead of downloading a tarball and
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> running
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>  create
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> script,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> you npm install and run a create() function, and that
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> easily
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> be
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  bundled into other build scripts/boilerplate. For CLI
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> workflow,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that there is any real difference (as Jesse says).
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> note,
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> though:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> cordova-* platforms are templates for projects, so
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> package.json
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> of
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> npm package itself shouldn't end up inside projects
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  that
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> created
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> with
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it. I think.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Michal
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 3:42 PM, Ian Clelland <
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There seems to be some confusion -- I think people
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  are
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> talking
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> about
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> different things here, but perhaps it's just me ;)
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I thought that Brian's original suggestion was about
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  being
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> able
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> to
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> host
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cordova platforms directly on NPM. That's why each
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> require
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> a
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  package.json. (which would probably end up in
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <project>/platforms/<platform> in a project, but
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  that's
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> point
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it).
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As an NPM project, we then would have the
> opportunity
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  (though
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> obligation) to make all of the supporting scripts for
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> platform
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> (create, build, run, etc) part of the node module,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>  uniform
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> interface
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that doesn't require going through the command line.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's not about making platforms into CLI
> dependencies
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  (any
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> than
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> plugins are CLI dependencies right now), or about
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> making
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>  cordova-based
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> project into a node package.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If that's right, then I support that -- I'd like the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  platforms
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>  be
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installable through npm, and to be versioned
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> separately,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installable
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> separately, and scriptable without having to spawn
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subshells.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And if I have it completely wrong, then let me know
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> --
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> just
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> go
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  back
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fixing File bugs ;)
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 3:29 PM, Andrew Grieve <
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not sure what your question is.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 2:03 PM, Brian LeRoux <
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> *ahem
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 11:20 AM, Brian LeRoux <
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> npm i cordova-ios@3.5.0
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Right?
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On May 27, 2014 11:06 PM, "Andrew Grieve" <
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lazy loading is what will give us the ability to
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  support
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> multiple
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> versions
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of platforms.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  If we don't support users choosing the version
> of
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> platform
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> they
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then they will resist updating their version of
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  CLI
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (like
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> they
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> do
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now).
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I'm very keen to allow users to chose their
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> platform
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> versions,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> just
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are able to choose their plugin versions.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 5:57 PM, Mark
> Koudritsky
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  <
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +1
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Steve published (some of?) the platforms on
> npm
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  as
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> part
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> of
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>  the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> latest
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> release.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CLI already require()s npm for downloading
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  plugins
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> registry.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Extending this to platforms is on my todo list for
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this\next
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> week.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The "lazy" part of the loading was about
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> caching,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>  we
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> don't
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> lose
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> since
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> npm does its own caching.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 5:42 PM, Parashuram
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Narasimhan
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (MS
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> OPEN
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> TECH)
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +1. This will also be a step towards releasing
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> platforms
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> independently.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Will the CLI have a semver like dependency on
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Carlos Santana
> >> <>
> >>
> >
> >

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