Blind copy paste of URLs and blanket repeat emails are not helping either.
We can and do VOTE on artifacts.

(And, FTR, I'm perfectly fine with the ceremony but I'd prefer we cast
votes as tags like we used to. A topic for the board and members to debate
to be sure.)

Your earlier emails demonstrate well how little you understand of the
project. I'd recommend *actually* building Cordova *then* providing advice
about how to improve it and our release process. Seriously: it would help.
On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 2:18 PM, Brian LeRoux <> wrote:
> /me slow clap

Brian, I realize that you are deeply opposed to voting on releases, and I
understand and respect your arguments.  Were Cordova an independent
project, I
would not come to the community proposing that release voting be adopted.

However, Cordova is at Apache and the policies are what they are.  You're
welcome to make the case that the org should change, but to be honest I
such a change is achievable in the near term.  The policy has deep roots --
good chunk of the Foundation's legal structure is built in its service.  And
so I would argue that avoiding quixotic conflicts with the Board is in the
best interest of most Cordova stakeholders.

In the meantime, the question is how to make the best of things within
existing constraints.  For the record, there's nothing stopping Cordova
from releasing on a fixed cadence.

Marvin Humphrey

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