> cordova-js:
>  - cordova.version returns a value computed from the cordova-js git tag.
>    - Let's deprecate this field
>    - And create "cordova.platformVersion"
>    - And update our release process to have the version set based on the
> platform's version rather than the tag within cordova-js.
This is a very good idea. +1

> Cordova-docs:
>  - Most of the docs are not actually affected by platform versions.
>  - Mainly though, it's the platform guides that are.
>  - Two options that I see:
>    - 1) Set default version to "edge" & always annotate with "added in
> X.X.X, removed in X.X.X"
>    - 2) Move guides to live in platform repos and link to them from docs.
Think both are good ideas also. Going to edge for docs should be easy
enough. #2 means someone would have to look at the docs gen …which I guess
isn't as terrible now that we have a Vagrantfile in there.

> cordova-cli:
>   - Set version to 4.0.0 just to make it so that it doesn't map to any
> existing platform versions
you mean start a 4.x release branch ? (kinda hope we can ship this sooner
than later to help it bake.)

> Release Process:
>   - Tag cordova-js for each platform release with "PLATFORM-VERSION"
>   - Rewrite
> https://github.com/apache/cordova-coho/blob/master/docs/cadence-release-process.md
> as "platforms-release-process"


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