Hello devs,

I am currently testing mobilespec 3.6.3 and I found a test case failing in 
The test case is written like
itShouldMatch('file:///foo.html', [ ]);

As I understand that a new whitelist URL file:///foo.html<file:///\\foo.html> 
is added and then tested for the pattern "[]". The API 
whitelist.isUrlWhiteListed(url);  returns false which means that blank patterns 
are not allowed.
But the test cases expects the return value to be true. Hence the test case 

Now is it the mistake of the test case or the API? What should I do to make 
this test case pass?

Please can you tell me where is an explanation about Whitelist "match" and 
"test" API explained and what does a pattern stand for?

Thanks in advance

Thanks and Regards
Pavan Joshi

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