We debated a bit about browser vs ripple at phonegap day (especially Intel
folks who have done lots of work here), and the my personal tldr; is that
there is in fact a home for both.

Basically, browser-platform is for getting apps running in a browser (duh)
with as much working functionality as possible.  Its supposed to simplify
the 'if cordova then dialog else alert' problem, so you can build even more
of your app with just local development.  Seemingly this could be used to
make targeting both web and app even easier.

Ripple is for instrumenting/debugging apps by manipulating plugins.  Its
about having a UI that reaches into geolocation or camera and controls what
the plugin returns to the app.  Its about re-running the same device events
over and over for tracking application logic changes.

Some of the work ripple has done traditionally can now in fact just be done
via browser DevTools, but their are still some cases where custom hooks
into plugins are the best way to provide a good local "simulator".  (Chrome
DevTools at least now provide mobile emulation, unsure about others).

In my view, ripple should be built on top of the browser platform work, and
ideally also decouple the UI from the plugin instrumentation, but thats up
to the folks running that effort.

With all this in mind, I think the cordova-browser effort should proceed
with current direction, but keep in mind that more advanced plugin
instrumentation doesn't belong there.


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