+1 to what Kirupa said
The idea here would be to have a secondary workflow for the browser platform 
that would include the necessary metadata for mock plugin functionality.  
the mock behavior is implemented/provided by the pluginplugins provide optional 
model-based UI for controlling/simulating the mock plugin 
functionalitySomething like http://www.w3.org/2011/mbui/browser dev tools/IDE 
tools/browser extensions implement the model-based UI for plugin simulation 
I am still at early stages of my design thoughts.  Love to hear what others are 
thinking about.

> From: panar...@microsoft.com
> To: dev@cordova.apache.org
> Subject: RE: Summarizing thoughts on cordova-browser vs Ripple
> Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 19:24:44 +0000
> �MSOpenTech is currently working on porting our ripple-platform prototype - 
> https://github.com/MSOpenTech/cordova-ripple to work on top of 
> cordova-browser. The question on how each plugin exposes a UI to provide mock 
> data is still up for discussion, but Intel has a lot of context on that area. 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kirupa Chinnathambi [mailto:kiru...@microsoft.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 5, 2014 11:04 AM
> To: dev@cordova.apache.org
> Subject: RE: Summarizing thoughts on cordova-browser vs Ripple
> +1 to what you’ve both stated.
> Cordova-browser shouldn't be responsible for providing mock data, UI, or any 
> additional functionality for simulating a plug-in. It’s primary goal is to 
> (as you both mention) be responsible for getting apps to run in the browser. 
> Simulating plug-in behavior would be external to that in some form or fashion.
> Cheers,
> Kirupa
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mikeywbro...@gmail.com [mailto:mikeywbro...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of 
> Michael Brooks
> Sent: Wednesday, November 5, 2014 9:22 AM
> To: dev@cordova.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Summarizing thoughts on cordova-browser vs Ripple
> >
> > In my view, ripple should be built on top of the browser platform 
> > work, and ideally also decouple the UI from the plugin 
> > instrumentation, but thats up to the folks running that effort.
> > With all this in mind, I think the cordova-browser effort should 
> > proceed with current direction, but keep in mind that more advanced 
> > plugin instrumentation doesn't belong there.
> This echo's my views on the Browser Platform and Ripple as well.
> Ideally, the Browser Platform is a production deployment environment for the 
> web, while Ripple is debugging instrumentation that runs on the Browser 
> Platform.
> On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 8:04 AM, Michal Mocny <mmo...@google.com> wrote:
> > We debated a bit about browser vs ripple at phonegap day (especially 
> > Intel folks who have done lots of work here), and the my personal 
> > tldr; is that there is in fact a home for both.
> >
> > Basically, browser-platform is for getting apps running in a browser
> > (duh) with as much working functionality as possible.  Its supposed to 
> > simplify the 'if cordova then dialog else alert' problem, so you can 
> > build even more of your app with just local development.  Seemingly 
> > this could be used to make targeting both web and app even easier.
> >
> > Ripple is for instrumenting/debugging apps by manipulating plugins.  
> > Its about having a UI that reaches into geolocation or camera and 
> > controls what the plugin returns to the app.  Its about re-running the 
> > same device events over and over for tracking application logic changes.
> >
> > Some of the work ripple has done traditionally can now in fact just be 
> > done via browser DevTools, but their are still some cases where custom 
> > hooks into plugins are the best way to provide a good local 
> > "simulator".  (Chrome DevTools at least now provide mobile emulation, 
> > unsure about others).
> >
> > In my view, ripple should be built on top of the browser platform 
> > work, and ideally also decouple the UI from the plugin 
> > instrumentation, but thats up to the folks running that effort.
> >
> > With all this in mind, I think the cordova-browser effort should 
> > proceed with current direction, but keep in mind that more advanced 
> > plugin instrumentation doesn't belong there.
> >
> > -Michal
> >
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