

One change in Cordova is a lot bette than expecting all plugins to change ;)

tommy-carlos williams

On 11 February 2015 at 07:54:17, Andrew Grieve ( wrote:


If plugin.xml has *any* <platform>s, then only apply global tags to those  
If plugin.xml has *no* <platform>s, then apply global tags to all platforms.  

On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 2:18 PM, Tommy Williams <> wrote:  

> This won't actually help right now, but that feature detection would  
> actually be possible if the plugin's "clobbers" was always a child of the  
> "platform" in plugin.xml.  
> Right now, most plugins have their clobbers global to all platforms,  
> supported or not. If the clobbers is a child of the platform, then the  
> relevant js function/object would be undefined on an unsupported platform.  
> This practice would also help in a situation where you might want different  
> plugins for different platforms, but exposing similar functionality on one  
> clobbered function/object (eg: the popular barcode scanner plugin + the  
> blackberry barcode scanner plugin).  
> Unfortunately, most plugins don't do this, even though it is possible.  
> The natural way to determine whether some functionality is available is to  
> use the "feature detection" pattern. That is, if you want to call some  
> function normally found at "myobj.myfunc", you write code like this:  
> If (myobj && (typeof myobj.myfunc === 'function')) ...  
> For this to work you must take care to remove plugins that don't support  
> your platform before you build for that platform. For example, before you  
> build for firefoxos, you must remove the barcodescanner plugin (and then  
> add it back when you build for supported platforms). Granted, this is  
> awkward, but I think it's worse to read the package.json file.  
> Really the CLI should make the feature detection pattern work without  
> having to exclude plugins on unsupported platforms. That is, if a plugin  
> doesn't support a platform, then it should contribute nothing when you  
> build for that platform.  
> Julian  
> -----Original Message-----  
> From: Axel Nennker []  
> Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 11:48 AM  
> To: dev  
> Subject: Re: Does this plugin support the current platform?  
> And then the app has to load that package.json ?  
> On Feb 10, 2015 5:28 PM, "Steven Gill" <> wrote:  
> > Plugin.xml has a platforms tag for what platforms it supports. That  
> > info gets uploaded to the Cordova plugins registry when publishing.  
> >  
> > Soon this info will be available in package.json file each plugin has.  
> > On Feb 10, 2015 7:25 AM, "Axel Nennker" <> wrote:  
> >  
> > > Hi,  
> > >  
> > > is there a way how an app can determine whether a plugin supports  
> > > the current platform?  
> > >  
> > > E.g.: the barcodescanner plugin is not supporting firefoxos How  
> > > could an app know that which out hardcoding this into the app?  
> > >  
> > > If there is a standard way in Cordova then this is a userland question.  
> > > If not then this is a feature request to add this info to e.g.  
> > > cordova/plugin_list exports.metadata ?!  
> > >  
> > > -Axel  
> > >  
> >  

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