Where do you see it being used?
Within cordova-android, we are setting it, but I don't the we ever read
from it.
Within plugins:
$ grep -r Config *plugin*/src/android
        * Previously the Config class had a static method,
isUrlWhitelisted(). That
               Method iuw = Config.class.getMethod("isUrlWhiteListed",

We could remove the unused import, and change IAB to use reflection.

On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 1:06 PM, Joe Bowser <bows...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey
> I've been trying to figure out how you would embed a WebView with the
> changes that we made to Cordova for 4.0.x, and I noticed that we're still
> making heavy use of the Config class, even though we have it set up to be
> deprecated.
> Are we still intending to deprecate this class, and if so, what do we use
> for this use case for loading the plugins? This is important for people who
> want to use Cordova as a component, and want to create a more-hybrid app
> and not just a wrapper.
> Thoughts?
> Joe

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