Tony wrote:
> FWIW, I don¹t think that Cordova JIRA is horrible.
> We use JIRA at Intel and have had a lot of intermittent performance
> problems that were mostly resolved with a recent version update.
> It seems like a lot of effort has been invested in the Cordova JIRA and it
> seems (to me) like it would be a shame to move away from it.
> I¹ll leave it at that and comment on your other thread Michal.

Fwiw, we use JIRA at work, and I hate that JIRA much more than I hate
Apache's JIRA.

We also have a GitHub tracker that we use for WebWorks.
I'm not a big fan of it, but the simplicity is a nice thing relative to all
of the mandatory knobs in my least favorite JIRA.

GitHub's linking features are vaguely nice.

Note: in general, I'm a proponent of being able to review the history of
code and being able to understand why a change was made.
Traditionally, that involves looking at a bug tracker and reading the bug.

However, neither JIRAs I've mentioned today are used that way, often they're
at best Process Shepherds, and often they're just full of noise.

I don't need a Process Shepherd, and if I have to have one, I'd rather it be
Pull Requests.

A funny thing to consider in this area:

Instead of having a vote thread which people can email -- and which
frequently spirals out of control.
We could have a Vote RC file, and people could pull request their +1s.

No one in their right mind would try to add a long comment into such a vote

But, we could have a discuss thread. And we could receive emails about pull
requests for the +1s.

Such a thing could be trackable, in a meaningful way...
And your commit message / pull request for a +1 could explain what you

> On the other hand (and this is the real point I wanted to make), the wiki
> is horrible.

> It is barely useable and it¹s poor performance is a major de-motivator
> when it comes to editing it.

Its performance definitely isn't a plus.

The process of managing accounts is a bumber.

I'd certainly favor a pull request model (which GitHub pages would give me).

> There are important documents and information that only exist on the wiki!
> In one of the other threads, Carlos suggested using Github wiki - it seems
> like this would be a great change to me if it is possible.
> From my perspective, this would be a far more valuable change than moving
> from JIRA to Github Issues.
> Just wanted to raise it since you seem to be interested in spinning some
> of these topics off into dedicated discussion threadsŠ

I've seen some projects try using GitHub pages, and I haven't seen many
where it works particularly well.
OTOH, I haven't seen *anything* that works particularly well.

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