Thanks for your feedback Julien!

We absolutely DO use github, and most of our conversation happens there, or
here on the dev list ( which also echoes every github code comment, pull
request discussion )

Some thoughts:
- github issues would mean we would have 30+ issue trackers, one for every
moving piece of what is a very complex system.
- if we added the 10k issues we have to github, you would say, hey we need
something better, this is not user friendly ... the issue is scale.
- we take ALL pull requests through github, and discuss pull requests on
- every repo has a file in it's root which explains what
was changed and when, and refers to JIRA tickets.
- we are completely transparent in everything we do, but you are looking at
sausage meat
- a comparison to angular, react, etc is unfair as these are simple
projects by comparison


On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 12:19 PM, Julien Bouquillon [revolunet] <> wrote:

> Dear cordova commiters, community, users,
> Please let me raise another red flag here about not fully embracing GitHub
> for the Cordova project.
> I'm just a long time cordova user, fanboy, local evangelist, meetup
> organiser... but i can feel the daily users frustration when facing
> official cordova repos on Github.
> Note : i'm totally ignorant on the behind-the-scenes of the cordova project
> organisation/policy/rules, so please excuse my naïve interpretations.
> Cordova is a fabulous project, complex by nature, which evolves
> permanently, so users encounters various issues... which is very fine in
> the OSS world !
> What is NOT fine in the modern OSS world is not being able to easily access
> other users feedback, and not being able to share experience, submit
> issues, elaborate with random users, and hopefully, finally being able to
> submit a pull request, understand what's going on under the hood, or just
> quickly fix a documentation error for the next user.
> I think, as a community, we loose an unestimable amount of valuable input,
> every single day, due to JIRA friction and opacity.
> And this is unacceptable for an open-source project, which is supposed to
> build and grow on its community.
> Of course, me way also get a lot of trash input via GitHub; but every
> valuable input is worth it to improve such an ambitious project imho.
> Issues with the current setup :
>  - Repos have no visible issues
>  - Repos have no visible releases/changelog
>  - PR are not linked to issues (except the cryptic JIRA code in the title)
>  - Bad bad bad SEO
>  - JIRA is not user-friendly at all (think cordova average user)
>  - JIRA needs dedicated account (we have enough ?)
>  - Lack of transparency
>  - (Slow, ugly..)
> If you look at numbers, some recent OSS projects embracing GitHub succeeded
> in managing massive community input (this may need dedicated workers) and
> benefit the input of hundreds of commiters; see for example Angular, react,
> react-native, bootstrap... This is VERY powerful, and Google, Facebook,
> Microsoft and more already got that.
> Moving to GitHub will be very beneficial to Cordova community and
> popularity, and thus to the project viability in the long run, in case this
> is your concern.
> I know i'm pushing hard here the Github standard which is not everyone's,
> but that's where OSS users are today and it's definitely a great place that
> encourage collaboration and open source at scale... and it's 100% FREE for
> Open source.
> So.. What do you think about it ?
> I'd be pleased to help in any migration process.
> Julien Bouquillon
> Long time Cordova fanboy from Paris, France

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