I didn't mention the obvious that having Github as issues frontend will
bring a lot of noise, and current commiters don't necessarly have time to
handle this, which i perfectly understand.

Maybe the companies fueling Cordova, and those using it could help by
financing someone from our community as Evangelist/Reviewer/CM.

There is indeed some important pending PR :) ex:

Besides that, the community will definitely handle some of it, as we do for

angular team released a bot to help managing the CLA and do some triaging,
may be useful : https://github.com/mary-poppins/mary-poppins

i'm not sure react-native is much simpler. much young and they already have
a massive +700 open issues and +380 contributors. 930/1400 for angular.js,
and +300 pending PR....

Thanks for your input and lets keep cordova rockin'


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