Hi Jan,

I like your suggestions. But curious to understand how to take care of
existing issues which are currently available in JIRA? Should it be ported
to respective git repos or will continue to remain as is till it's closed?

On Tuesday, August 7, 2018, Jan Piotrowski <piotrow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Now that Github Issues are enabled on all repositories, it makes sense
> to create a (or several) new Issue and PR template(s) that doesn't
> point to JIRA any more and also uses the current state of the art.
> Current Cordova issue and PR template:
> - no issue template
> - https://github.com/apache/cordova-android/blob/master/.
> 1. Issue template:
> Github supports multiple issue templates for some time now, which
> first lets users choose what type of issue they want to create:
> https://help.github.com/articles/about-issue-and-pull-request-templates/
> The template selection can look like this:
> https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/issues/new/choose
> https://github.com/babel/babel/issues/new/choose
> I think we should definitely use this for Bug Report, Feature Request,
> Support Question. What sections should we suggest in our templates?
> Here are some additinal issue templates from around the web:
> https://github.com/stevemao/github-issue-templates/tree/master/emoji-guide
> https://github.com/devspace/awesome-github-templates
> 2. Pull Request template:
> I think we can drop the JIRA/issue requirement from the checklist
> completely - as a PR on Github is always the starting point of code
> changes now. If there is an (Github) issue the PR resolves, it should
> of course be linked (`closes #123` or similar), but this is not a
> requirement.
> Similar about commit message conventions - I don't think we need an
> issue ID in there as all code changes will be done via PRs which via
> "squash + merge" will include PR ID in the commit message (again
> fastlane as an example:
> https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/commits/master)
> I would suggest we use something similar to this, which explicitly
> asks for running the tests and writing documentation:
> https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/blob/master/.github/
> What do you think regarding PR template?
> 3. Merge Conventions / Protected Branch:
> Connected to all that is my suggestion to protect the `master` branch
> so that by default nobody can commit there - all changes have to be
> made via Pull Requests. Pull Requests are by default merged via the
> "Squash + Merge" button / functionality so that all commits are
> squashed into one clean commit per change. This also enforces the
> commit message structure I posted above. (Of course committers can
> choose to _not_ use Squash + Merge if appropriate for the PR - e.g.
> when cherry picking commits from a release branch or similar).
> What do you think about this suggestion?
> Did I miss anything that is connected to these 3 topics?
> -J
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