On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Paul Davis
<paul.joseph.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 2:01 PM, Chris Anderson <jch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 12:21 AM, Ulises <ulises.cerv...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I see where you're coming from, but I don't like this very much. My
>>>> thoughts were something along the lines of being able to have multiple
>>>> show functions per view. We could do the repeating the view code but
>>>> that's really not good.
>>> FWIW, +1 on multiple shows per view. Following the MVC ideology, we
>>> could say that the couchdb view is actually the model (the data) and
>>> that the couchdb _show is the MVC view (the presentation). It only
>>> makes sense (at least to me) to be able to present the same data in
>>> many different ways, i.e. XML or JSON.
>> There's no limit on the ways you can present it, even with a single
>> function. You can always switch on the clients Accept header, or on
>> query parameters. This is really a question about how to organize the
>> urls and the design docs. I do like your point about MVC.
>> The nice thing about one function per view is that it allows for
>> shorter paths, the downside is potentially more complex functions. I
>> *think* it's straightforward that we should only allow views to be
>> rendered by show functions defined in the same design doc as the view,
>> but I could be convinced of the merits otherwise.
> Using show's to process views from other design docs sounds like more
> code for the same level of usefulness. Also I think that it might
> convey the wrong idea in terms of how to design applications etc. But
> I could still be convinced otherwise.

OK lets assume that we don't want to do that (I think it's a bad idea too)

So for view showing we'd have something like:

A) GET /db/_show_view/mydesign/myview


B) GET /db/_show_view/mydesign/myshowfunc/myview


C) GET /db/_view/mydesign/myview?strartkey="foo"&show=myshowfunc

and in the design doc:

"show" : {
  "docs" : { ... },
  "views" : {
    "myshowfunc" : "function(row, head) { ... }"

In the case with one show function per view, we'd require that
"myshowfunc" have the same name as "myview"...

I'm leaning toward letting the user decide at query-time which view to
render using which show-func, that is, options B or C.

Chris Anderson

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