Jan Lehnardt wrote:
> On 5 Jul 2009, at 23:34, Volker Mische wrote:
>> Noah Slater wrote:
>>> Arguably, showing the sidebar or not is personal preference for the
>>> display of
>>> the resource, and so it shouldn't be showing up in the URI. So, to
>>> extrapolate
>>> from that, we should probably set a cookie with JavaScript.
>> I've updated the code. I'm setting a cookie now (else the sidebar shows
>> up sometimes).
> I'd commit the patch if you could submit it to JIRA and grant the
> Apache 2.0 licensed usage. Sorry for the bureaucracy, but this is
> required for legal reasons.

That's alright. Though I think a code-review might be a good idea. But
I'll try to clean it up myself a bit.


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