On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 17:02, Paul Davis <paul.joseph.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not really a fan of roadmaps. We get new features when people
> write them. Everyone has the ability to write code, submit it and get
> a new feature. I can't tell you what feature you're going to write, so
> why would I tell everyone else that I expect you to write a given
> feature?

Well, there are usually ideas floating around about things that should
be done at some point, and I think it's helpful if there is at least
an attempt at keeping a list of these things, so that people might
look at them and infer things about the current state of the software,
or may start to help out because it's something they want themselves.

That said, it's perfectly alright if there's no roadmap at all, I'm
just surprised by the lack of thoughts from the core developers (who
are usually the ones to have these ideas) in this thread.



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