On 21 Mar 2010, at 06:04, Robert Dionne wrote:

> On Mar 21, 2010, at 4:00 AM, Jan Lehnardt wrote:
>> On 20 Mar 2010, at 20:06, Paul Davis wrote:
>>> On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 2:31 PM, Noah Slater <nsla...@me.com> wrote:
>>>> I think faulty test case should block the release, if I am to have any
>>>> future sanity preparing releases. I don't want to delay and longer, so if
>>>> you guys are absolutely sure this is a test error and not code error, then 
>>>> I
>>>> propose that the test be commented out. Our tests form a contract between
>>>> us, internally, and our users. If that contract has a bug, it should be
>>>> removed or fixed - or it simply dilutes the importance of contract. If some
>>>> one comments out the test, and we agree it is not indicative of an 
>>>> important
>>>> bug, I can call the vote within hours.
>>> I'd have to agree on this. From the point of view of a release, if a
>>> test reports a failure then it should be made to not report a failure.
>>> If that's accomplished by disabling it, then there will be a commit
>>> with a message that explains why it was disabled and etc and such on
>>> and so forth.
>> I'd do that if the test was failing for me :)
> it's not failing for you when you run changes.js with the CLI ?  Fails for me 
> every time. 

I don't consider the CLI tests as part of the official test suite just yet.


> Anyway I poked at this a bit yesterday and am not 100% sure the issue is in 
> the test. I tried putting a sleep in with no luck. If my understanding of the 
> JS is correct, CouchDB is supposed to be synchronous so it's not timing.
> If someone could comment on the test itself it would be helpful. The section 
> of the code that fails:
> // changes get all_docs style with deleted docs
>  var doc = {a:1};
>  db.save(doc);
>  db.deleteDoc(doc);
>  var req = CouchDB.request("GET", 
>    "/test_suite_db/_changes?filter=changes_filter/bop&style=all_docs");
>  var resp = JSON.parse(req.responseText);
>  TEquals(3, resp.results.length, "should return matching rows");
> seems odd to me. all_docs as I read the code will return docs with deletes 
> and conflicts but in this call the filter bop will not apply to the doc {a:1} 
> so I'm not sure what this delete prior to the call is about. Anyway I can 
> make it fail in the debugger so perhaps I can find the root cause.
>> Cheers
>> Jan
>> --

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