On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 3:30 PM,  <mickael.bai...@free.fr> wrote:
> Hello Couchers,
> for 1 month now I'm coding a new futon page : the goal is to ease the 
> developper of CouchDB views/lists/shows through Futon web interface. I called 
> it "futon designer" because I really suck at finding supercool marketing 
> names.
> The interface is an HTML5 application, in the sense that it uses the canvas 
> html5 tag.
> I use the bespin embeded editor, that provides as-you-type syntax 
> highlighting.
> I tried to mimic the existing futon code as much as possible. Now it's 
> working good enough for my personnal use. Here are some screenshots :
> http://img10.hostingpics.net/pics/423266futon_designer_home.png
> http://img10.hostingpics.net/pics/949407futon_designer_list.png
> http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/673/futondesignershow.png
> http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/7909/futondesignerview.png
> I'm sending this email to get some constructive feedback on this add-on 
> before any attempt of having it included in the CouchDB official tarball.
> To try it :
> download the zipfile @ http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TW954Q39
> Move designer.html and the designer folder to [your couchdb install 
> dir]/share/couchdb/www
> Point your browser to http://souch-server:5984/_utils/designer.html?[database 
> name] , where [database name] is the name of an existing database (containing 
> at least 1 design document).
> Any feedback welcome
> Mickael

Pretty awesome! You need to open an issue on Jira so this gets included! :)


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