Hi Dave,

thanks for reporting. Let me comment :)

On 9 Jul 2010, at 05:29, Dave Cottlehuber wrote:

> -1 please take this with a grain of salt - concerned my issues could
> be with my build process or lack of understanding. I will re-build
> from clean slate over weekend to make sure I have that down pat.
> Let me know if you want more details from below. built with Erlang
> R14A  as INSTALL.Unix says >=R12B5

R14A is a preview release of Erlang and should not be considered 
stable*. 0.11.1 and 1.0.0 do support R14A though.

* http://erlang.org/

> - OSX Snow Leopard & erlang R14A courtesy of macports

It doesn't look like it is the culprit here, but if you ever have
any trouble with MacPorts, check out Homebrew**.

** http://github.com/mxcl/homebrew

> - using macports couchdb-devel modified to pull down 1.0.0 r961564

We are voting on the release artefacts on 

  http://people.apache.org/~nslater/dist/1.0.0/ & 

and not source code tags. Even though the code is the same, any
errors you might get could be related to a bad combination of
build tools that are bypassed when building from the tarball.

> - iMac 2006 intel core duo 2.16GHz 4GB RAM

Sounds good :)

> - firefox 3.6.6 - all tests pass in a few minutes

Yay :)

> - safari 5.0  - still running after 30m....

We only officially support Firefox, but I think Chrome and Safari 4
are working fine too. Safari 5 is rather new and breaks behaviour
in a number of places that we haven't gotten any contributions
to fix for. We just can't go after all the weird browser behaviours
and try to stick to Firefox as a baseline. Errors in other browsers are
less concerning and certainly not release blockers. That said, we
happily expect patches to fix issues with any browser.

> ATTACHMENTS: error- takes 228784ms
> Exception raised: {"message":"Out of
> memory","line":33,"sourceId":4566181712,"sourceURL":"http://localhost:5984/_utils/script/couch_test_runner.js?0.11.0"}
> ATTACHMENT_PATHS: failure - takes 1079ms
> Assertion failed: binAttDoc._attachments["foo/bar2.txt"].content_type
> == "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
> Assertion failed: binAttDoc._attachments["foo/bar2.txt"].content_type
> == "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
> Assertion failed: binAttDoc._attachments["foo/bar2.txt"].content_type
> == "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
> Assertion failed: binAttDoc._attachments["foo/bar2.txt"].content_type
> == "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
> DELAYED_COMMITS: succeed - takes 1359038ms
> COMPACT: error - takes 11579ms
> Exception raised:
> {"line":416,"sourceId":4559438640,"sourceURL":"http://localhost:5984/_utils/script/couch.js?0.11.0","code":101,"message":"NETWORK_ERR:
> XMLHttpRequest Exception 101","name":"NETWORK_ERR"}
> REPLICATION - takes 387ms
> Exception raised: {"message":"Result of expression 'options.headers'
> [undefined] is not an
> object.","line":402,"sourceId":4559438640,"sourceURL":"http://localhost:5984/_utils/script/couch.js?0.11.0","expressionBeginOffset":12921,"expressionCaretOffset":12936,"expressionEndOffset":12952}
> NB would be happy to do windows builds in future if somebody is able
> to help pin down the right release process.

It is pretty well documented in the INSTALL.Windows file, what other
questions do you have?

Thanks again for your report :)


> A+
> Dave
> On 8 July 2010 13:12, J Chris Anderson <jch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> +1
>> All browser tests are passing, as well as make check.
>> OSX Snow Leopard / Erlang R13B03
>> Chris
>> On Jul 7, 2010, at 4:38 PM, Noah Slater wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I would like call a vote for the Apache CouchDB 1.0.0 release, first round.
>>> We encourage the whole community to download and test these release 
>>> artifacts so
>>> that any critical issues can be resolved before the release is made. 
>>> Everyone is
>>> free to vote on this release, so get stuck in!
>>> We are voting on the following release artifacts:
>>> http://people.apache.org/~nslater/dist/1.0.0/
>>> These artifacts have been built from the 1.0.0 tag in Subversion:
>>> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/couchdb/tags/1.0.0/
>>> Happy voting,
>>> N

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