On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 02:21, J Chris Anderson <jch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm totally +1 on getting rid of these rough edges. I seriously doubt I'll
> have time to do anything but cheerlead, so if this is gonna happen, someone
> is gonna have to take up the charge.

Do you mind a little discussion about how that might work?

It seems to me there is no avoiding round trips between the _update function
and couchdb.

Is it allowed for the update function to query couchdb about whether id X is

Is it allowed (or preferred) for the update function to have an additional
flag similar to rereduce, indicating it is being called again due to a bad
_id? What about two bad _ids in a row? Is the function called indefinitely
with a growing list of previously-bad _ids until it returns an already-seen
bad _id, in which case you get a 409? None of this strikes me as clean.

Another thing to consider is perhaps the _update function can just specify
what to render in the case of conflict and let the client handle it. I think
that would be sufficient to at least allow a basic HTML form workflow again.

Jason Smith
Couchio Hosting

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