Often times, I also have an issue with focus on commercial developers. However, with CouchDB specifically, the commercial developers are also the most active and helpful community members. Does it make a difference if you just say Couchio and Cloudant or give the specific developer names? If it does, I suppose those developers names could be used, but really this will just be translated into Couchio and Cloudant for everyone involved, effectively rendering this a non-issue.

Just my 2 cents. :)


On 08/17/2010 06:32 AM, Sebastian Cohnen wrote:
(resent with cc to board@, sorry!)

Developers (no matter if commercial or not) are part of the community like 
everybody else, IMHO.

On 17.08.2010, at 05:23, Greg Stein wrote:

I don't want to hear updates about commercial developers. It is
somewhat interesting, but should not comprise half of the project's

What has the Apache CouchDB PMC done over the reporting period? What
is the status of the community? Any new committers or PMC members? Are
there any Board-level or legal issues that came up and/or need to be
resolved? I'd like to hear what the *project* is doing.


On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 19:02, Damien Katz<dam...@apache.org>  wrote:
This is the Apache Board report for August 2010.

Apache CouchDB is a distributed JSON document database with HTTP API.

1.0.0 and 0.11.1 Released In July.

Discovered a data-inaccessibility bug pertaining to the 1.0 release.
Community developers quickly released a detailed announcement and repair tool
both receiving praise from users. http://couchdb.apache.org/notice/1.0.1.html

Just released 0.11.2 and 1.0.1 as maintenance versions, the later containing a
fix for the aforementioned bug

Couchio released and maintains turn-key Apache CouchDB installer for Linux

Lots of name recognition on a CouchDB application hosting and reporting the
Afghanistan Wikileaks data.

Couchio ported CouchDB for Android. Download and update through the
marketplace. iOS support is underway.

Cloudant makes fascinating teaser blog post about their high-availability
CouchDB clusters for their hosting service.

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