
I should better ask before I open a ticket. I think it is a kind of replication 

Steps to reproduce on CouchDB 1.01:

1. Create a database 'test' on a CouchDB server. Note must be somewhere on 
remote location not local!!!
2. Put document 'doc' to the remote db.
3. Create local database 'test'
4. Pull replication from the local server:     

curl -X POST -d '{"source":"test","target": 
"'http://remote-location:5984/test'" }'  http://localhost:5984/_replicate 

5. Attach a text file to the replicated document on the local db
6. Push replication from the local server:

curl -X POST -d '{"source": "'http://remote-location:5984/test'","target": 
"test" }'  http://localhost:5984/_replicate 

7. Try to DELETE the document on the remote database location.

There are two documents with the same name but different revision numbers. You 
can see this just if you try to delete the document. 
If you repeat the procedure for another attachment you have to delete two 
documents before you delete the whole document record.
The revision number is incremented and the replication makes another copy of 
the document with the same name  but different revision number on the remote 
database. This happens only with documents containing attachments and only by 
replication between different databases on different servers.

I was able to reproduce this with CouchdDB (1.0.1) on MacOSX, WinXP and Win7 
changing the rules of local and remote servers.


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