
  Does "make check" run with all the etaps passing? 


On Jun 1, 2011, at 2:13 PM, Noah Slater wrote:

> Reinstalled Erlang and the weird SSL problems went away.
> Unit tests fail for me.
> -
> replicator_db
> error
> 3001ms
> Run with debugger
>       • Exception raised: {}
> rev_stemming
> error
> 7ms
> Run with debugger
>       • Exception raised: {}
> rewrite
> error
> 10ms
> Run with debugger
>       • Exception raised: {}
> security_validation
> error
> 6ms
> Run with debugger
>       • Exception raised: {}
> show_documents
> error
> 11ms
> Run with debugger
>       • Exception raised: {}
> stats
> error
> 7ms
> Run with debugger
>       • Exception raised: {}
> update_documents
> error
> 5ms
> Run with debugger
>       • Exception raised: {}
> users_db
> error
> 4ms
> Run with debugger
>       • Exception raised: {}
> -
> Tried to re-run these tests in with debug on, but Firefox locked up.
> The tests lock up on me all the time. And I don't mean, while they're running 
> through, as expected. When they fail, or I try to restart one, basically, the 
> whole thing just freezes. I never seem to be able to do much more, other than 
> restart Firefox. I'm not sure why this happens, but I really wish it 
> wouldn't. Makes testing harder than it could be.
> -
> After restarting Firefox all these tests pass.
> Very weird.
> Going to run the whole test suite again.
> —
> auth_cache fails
> assertion misses_after == misses_before +1 failed
> assertion hits_after == hits_before failed
> cookie_auth fails
> "error": "file_exists"
> The test suite then hung on replicator_db again.
> Killing Firefox and trying again.
> —
> auth_cache fails
> assertion misses_after == misses_before +1 failed
> assertion hits_after == hits_before failed
> The test suite then hung on replicator_db again.
> Killing Firefox and trying again, manually.
> Note I was not able to get debug output because the test suite hangs Firefox.
> I don't see anything happening in the CouchDB log either.
> So my best guess is that Firefox is just looping over something mindlessly.
> —
> Running auth_cache manually lots of times produces no errors.
> Running through all the tests manually from the start.
> cookie_auth fails again for the same reason.
> Ran with debug:
> Exception raised: {"message":"ddoc is 
> null","fileName":"","lineNumber":41,"stack":";()@\u000arun_on_modified_server([object
>  Array],(function () {try {var usersDb = new CouchDB(\"test_suite_users\", 
> {'X-Couch-Full-Commit': \"false\"});usersDb.deleteDb();usersDb.createDb();var 
> ddoc =\"_design/_auth\");T(ddoc.validate_doc_update);var 
> password = \"3.141592653589\";var jasonUserDoc = 
> CouchDB.prepareUserDoc({name: \"Jason Davies\", roles: [\"dev\"]}, 
> password);T(;var checkDoc = 
>;T( == \"Jason Davies\");var 
> jchrisUserDoc = CouchDB.prepareUserDoc({name: \"\"}, 
> \"funnybone\");T(;var duplicateJchrisDoc = 
> CouchDB.prepareUserDoc({name: \"\"}, \"eh, Boo-Boo?\");try 
> {;T(false && \"Can't create duplicate user 
> names. Should have thrown an error.\");} catch (e) {T(e.error == 
> \"conflict\");T(usersDb.last_req.status == 409);}var underscoreUserDoc = 
> CouchDB.prepareUserDoc({name: \"_why\"}, \"copperfield\");try 
> {;T(false && \"Can't create underscore user 
> names. Should have thrown an error.\");} catch (e) {T(e.error == 
> \"forbidden\");T(usersDb.last_req.status == 403);}var badIdDoc = 
> CouchDB.prepareUserDoc({name: \"foo\"},  \"bar\");badIdDoc._id = 
> \"org.apache.couchdb:w00x\";try {;T(false && \"Can't 
> create malformed docids. Should have thrown an error.\");} catch (e) 
> {T(e.error == \"forbidden\");T(usersDb.last_req.status == 
> 403);}T(CouchDB.login(\"Jason Davies\", 
> password).ok);T(CouchDB.session() == \"Jason Davies\");var xhr = 
> CouchDB.request(\"POST\", \"/_session\", {headers: {'Content-Type': 
> \"application/json\"}, body: JSON.stringify({name: \"Jason Davies\", 
> password: 
> password})});T(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).ok);T(CouchDB.session()
>  == \"Jason Davies\"); = 
> 2;T(;T(CouchDB.session().userCtx.roles.indexOf(\"_admin\")
>  == -1);try {usersDb.deleteDoc(jchrisUserDoc);T(false && \"Can't delete other 
> users docs. Should have thrown an error.\");} catch (e) {T(e.error == 
> \"forbidden\");T(usersDb.last_req.status == 403);}T(!CouchDB.login(\"Jason 
> Davies\", \"2.71828\").ok);T(!CouchDB.login(\"Robert Allen Zimmerman\", 
> \"d00d\").ok);T(CouchDB.session() != \"Jason Davies\");xhr = 
> CouchDB.request(\"POST\", \"/_session?next=/\", {headers: {'Content-Type': 
> \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\"}, body: 
> \"name=Jason%20Davies&password=\" + encodeURIComponent(password)});if 
> (xhr.status == 200) {T(/Welcome/.test(xhr.responseText));} else {T(xhr.status 
> == 
> 302);T(xhr.getResponseHeader(\"Location\"));}T(CouchDB.login(\"\",
>  \"funnybone\").ok);T(CouchDB.session() == 
> \"\");T(CouchDB.session().userCtx.roles.length == 
> 0); = 3;try {;T(false && \"Can't 
> update someone else's user doc. Should have thrown an error.\");} catch (e) 
> {T(e.error == \"forbidden\");T(usersDb.last_req.status == 
> 403);}jchrisUserDoc.roles = [\"foo\"];try 
> {;T(false && \"Can't set roles unless you are 
> admin. Should have thrown an error.\");} catch (e) {T(e.error == 
> \"forbidden\");T(usersDb.last_req.status == 
> 403);}T(CouchDB.logout().ok);T(CouchDB.session().userCtx.roles[0] == 
> \"_admin\"); = 
> [\"foo\"];T(;jchrisUserDoc.roles = 
> [\"_bar\"];try {;T(false && \"Can't add system 
> roles to user's db. Should have thrown an error.\");} catch (e) {T(e.error == 
> \"forbidden\");T(usersDb.last_req.status == 
> 403);}T(CouchDB.login(\"\", 
> \"funnybone\").ok);T(CouchDB.session() == 
> \"\");T(CouchDB.session().userCtx.roles.indexOf(\"_admin\") 
> == -1);T(CouchDB.session().userCtx.roles.indexOf(\"foo\") != 
> -1);T(CouchDB.logout().ok);T(CouchDB.session().userCtx.roles[0] == 
> \"_admin\");T(CouchDB.session() == 
> null);run_on_modified_server([{section: \"admins\", key:  
> \"\", value: \"funnybone\"}], function () 
> {T(CouchDB.login(\"\", 
> \"funnybone\").ok);T(CouchDB.session() == 
> \"\");T(CouchDB.session().userCtx.roles.indexOf(\"_admin\") 
> != -1);T(CouchDB.session().userCtx.roles.indexOf(\"foo\") != 
> -1);jchrisUserDoc =;delete 
> jchrisUserDoc.salt;delete 
> jchrisUserDoc.password_sha;T(;T(CouchDB.logout().ok);T(CouchDB.login(\"\",
>  \"funnybone\").ok);var s = CouchDB.session();T( == 
> \"\");T(s.userCtx.roles.indexOf(\"_admin\") != 
> -1);T( == \"cookie\");T( == 
> \"test_suite_users\");T(CouchDB.session().userCtx.roles.indexOf(\"foo\") != 
> -1);});} finally 
> {T(CouchDB.logout().ok);}}))@\u000a(true)@\u000arun(0)@\u000a"}
> Froze on replicate_db again.
> —
> Everything else looks okay though.
> Heh.
> Gonna give this -1 until we fix the unit tests.
> I wonder whether anyone else runs the unit tests at all, sometimes! ;)

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