On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 15:54, Paul Davis <paul.joseph.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 6:41 PM, Randall Leeds <rand...@apache.org> wrote:
>> I recently committed a patch from Chris Coulson to support the new
>> 1.8.5 release of SpiderMonkey[1].
>> While some effort was put into supporting the breaking changes from
>> 1.8.5 and it's been verified that the new trunk couchjs builds against
>> the rest of the 1.8 series, Bob Dionne discovered that compatibility
>> with 1.7 is now broken.
>> <davisp> You dropped support for 1.7?
>> <tilgovi> davisp: apparenty!
>> <tilgovi> what's the 1.0.x branch say in INSTALL.*?
>> <davisp> tilgovi: On purpose though?
>> <tilgovi> no
>> <davisp> I'm really confused
>> <tilgovi> not on purpose
>> <davisp> 1.7 I'm guessing
>> <tilgovi> also, I didn't backport this
>> <tilgovi> so, this is only on trunk
>> <davisp> 1.8
>> <davisp> I guess its lying
>> <tilgovi> I guess it's lying.
>> <davisp> tilgovi: Sure, I would've screamed at yo otherwise
>> <tilgovi> thoughts on not bothering to try and support 1.7?
>> <davisp> tilgovi: I'm of two minds on whether I want to drop 1.7 support
>> <tilgovi> might be super easy
>> <davisp> But I think jan____ said he wanted 1.7 support in 1.2 so I said, "k"
>> So 1.0.x, 1.1.x and trunk all seem to say we require SpiderMonkey 1.8,
>> but up until this patch couchjs ran against 1.7.
>> Should I back out the patch and try to fix compatibility with 1.7 or not 
>> bother?
>> -Randall
>> [1] 
>> https://github.com/apache/couchdb/commit/7b0f330627c9f3ef1ccb9e3ffe1e909e3a27f1bf
> I would say if you think its close that you should try and make it
> compatible with 1.7 again. I wouldn't immediately jump to backing it
> out unless you think it'll take a significant amount of time to bring
> back compatibility with 1.7.

Good point. I won't back it out, but please give me your opinions here.
I think it'd be fairly easy.

> On the other hand, if people want to dump 1.7 support I would vote in
> favor of dropping support for everything before 1.8.5. The source to
> couchjs would be greatly simplified and everything between 1.7 and
> 1.8.5 was never really an official SM release.

However, this is a *really* good point.
If there really hasn't been an official release since 1.7 I'd like to
support it.
We'll continue to support 1.1.x until 1.3 (2.0?) is out, so maybe it's
okay to let that be the SM 1.7-compatible line and bump to 1.8.5 for
CouchDB 1.2.

Moar feedback.

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