On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Adam Kocoloski <kocol...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Aug 16, 2011, at 10:31 PM, Jason Smith wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 9:26 PM, Adam Kocoloski <kocol...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> One of the principal uses of the replicator is to "make this database look 
>>> like that one".  We're unable to do that in the general case today because 
>>> of the combination of validation functions and out-of-order document 
>>> transfers.  It's entirely possible for a document to be saved in the source 
>>> DB prior to the installation of a ddoc containing a validation function 
>>> that would have rejected the document, for the replicator to install the 
>>> ddoc in the target DB before replicating the other document, and for the 
>>> other document to then be rejected by the target DB.
>> Somebody asked about this on Stack Overflow. It was a very simple but
>> challenging question, but now I can't find it. Basically, he made your
>> point above.
>> Aren't you identifying two problems, though?
>> 1. Sometimes you need to ignore validation to just make a nice, clean copy.
>> 2. Replication batches (an optimization) are disobeying the change
>> sequence, which can screw up the replica.
> As far as I know the only reason one needs to ignore validation to make a 
> nice clean copy is because the replicator does not guarantee the updates are 
> applied on the target in the order they were received on the source.  It's 
> all one issue to me.
>> I responded to #1 already.
>> But my feeling about #2 is that the optimization goes too far.
>> replication batches should always have boundaries immediately before
>> and after design documents. In other words, batch all you want, but
>> design documents [1] must always be in a batch size of 1. That will
>> retain the semantics.
>> [1] Actually, the only ddocs needing their own private batches are
>> those with a validate_doc_update field.
> My standard retort to transaction boundaries is that there is no global 
> ordering of events in a distributed system.  A clustered CouchDB can try to 
> build a vector clock out of the change sequences of the individual servers 
> and stick to that merged sequence during replication, but even then the ddoc 
> entry in the feed could be "concurrent" with several other updates.  I rather 
> like that the replicator aggressively mixes up the ordering of updates 
> because it prevents us from making choices in the single-server case that 
> aren't sensible in a cluster.

That is interesting. So if it is crucial that an application enforce
transaction semantics, then that application can go ahead and
understand the distribution architecture, and it can confirm that a
ddoc is committed and distributed among all nodes, and then it can
make subsequent changes or replications.

Or, written as a dialogue:

Developer: My application knows or cares that Couch is distributed.
Developer: My application depends on a validation function applying universally.
Developer. But my application won't bother to confirm that it's been
fully pushed before I make changes or replications.
Adam: WTF?

Snark aside, it's an excellent point. Thanks.

Iris Couch

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