Thanks, Benoit.

I would like to move the discussion back, one hundred percent, to
identifying exactly what features are good and bad for CouchDB. We are
in no hurry. IMHO, CouchDB does not need a patch soon. It needs
thoughtful, deliberate planning.

More responses inline.

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Benoit Chesneau <> wrote:
> I fully agree, we need better logging in couch. I don't really like
> the idea of saving any data structures, but why not. Imo such things
> could be saved as binaries strings and then parse but ...

I agree. For the first milestone I propose no change to the logs: the
same ?LOG_DEBUG() macros, the same text file; the same log format only
a mother could love.

When I say "data structures," I simply mean that more useful
information is available to be logged.

A first milestone might to output to the same log file as before.
However, I hope it would be easy to write different log formatters for
different needs:

* Web developer format: client IP, method, headers, log message
* Erlang troubleshooting format: PID, supervision tree, heap usage, log message

For the first milestone, though, something modest:

* Traditional format: timestamp, log level, pid, log message // i.e.
what Couch does now

Iris Couch

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