On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 4:59 AM, Benoit Chesneau <bchesn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Bottom line: It's my opinion that _replicator (and _user) were wrongly
>> exposed as full-blooded databases when all  we needed to use was the
>> database format (and carefully curate API endpoints). But, alas, that
>> train has sailed.
> Imo such dbs should be hidden, and we could only provide entry points
> accessing to them. For example having all systems dbs under /couchdb/
> prefix and hide them for others excepts admins. Just like postgres
> does. I'm agree it was a mistake to expose them. I think we should
> stop to do it in near future imo.

Exposing features as manipulations to normal documents makes CouchDB's
API simpler and more orthogonal.

Iris Couch

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