On Jun 10, 2012, at 12:38 , Hans J Schroeder wrote:

> Hi,
> I have checked how the others (Membase, CouchBase) are doing it and suggest 
> the following disk layout:
> Data Dir / Application Support Folder
> =====================================
> ~/Library/Application Support/CouchDB/etc
>       couchdb-server.ini

Bikeshed alert: I'd mirror what the CouchDB source distro does:

~/Library/Application Support/CouchDB/etc/default.d/
~/Library/Application Support/CouchDB/etc/default.ini
~/Library/Application Support/CouchDB/etc/local.d/
~/Library/Application Support/CouchDB/etc/local.ini

I'd be more than happy to ship whatever is there today and
fix this down the road. If it is easy to fix (see below),
we may as well do that too.

> ~/Library/Application Support/CouchDB/var/run/couchdb
>       couch.uri


> ~/Library/Application Support/CouchDB/var/lib/couchdb
>       views & dbs


* * *

We may want to revisit this based on a close reading of the
AppStore submission guidelines, when we get to that, but until
then, I believe that is fine.

> Logs
> ====
> ~/Library/Logs
>       couchdb-server.log

I'd drop "-server" and go with just "couchdb.log"

> Is this ok?
> - Hans
> P.S. I have also found the incompatibility between OS X versions 10.6.8 - 
> 10.7.2 and the later ones. I guess we can serve all with one binary

Great news! :) If you want to/can compile a new one
(and if the paths above are easy to adjust), then 
I'd say let's get that right and then ship.

And then improve on all the other things that have
been mentioned in this thread.

Thanks all for pushing this along! :)


> On Jun 8, 2012, at 8:54 PM, Dave Cottlehuber wrote:
>> On 8 June 2012 16:40, Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> On Jun 8, 2012, at 16:31 , Hans J Schroeder wrote:
>>>> Hi Jan,
>>>>> Can you specify what systems should use which versions, so we can label 
>>>>> them correctly on the website?
>>>> For Mac OS X 10.6.8 to 10.7.2:
>>>> https://github.com/downloads/cloudnode/couchdbx-app/CouchDB%20Server-1.2.0.zip
>>>> For Mac OS X 10.7.3 and later
>>>> https://github.com/downloads/cloudnode/couchdbx-app/CouchDB%20Server-1.2.0-OS%20X%2010.7.3.zip
>>> Thanks Hans!
>>> With this, I think we are good to go to put this on the website. Anyone 
>>> disagreeing? :)
>>> Cheers
>>> Jan
>> Some things, files are scattered across various places.
>> #1 dbs & views are in ~/Library/Application Support/CouchDBServer/
>> #2 there's no local.ini as such, its in 
>> ~/Library/Preferences/couchdb-server.ini
>> #3 couch.log is in 
>> $APPROOT/Contents/Resources/couchdbx-core/var/log/couch.log
>> #4 couch.uri is in 
>> $APPROOT/Contents/Resources/couchdbx-core/var/run/couch.uri
>> If its not hard to fix #3 and #4 we should do that first. This means
>> CouchDB.app could
>> run read-only in /Applications, which it doesn't atm.
>> #1 and #2 make sense, but might not be immediately obvious. They could
>> wait, its more
>> about documenting somewhere.
>> A+
>> Dave

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